Warning: This script may contain scenes of a mature nature.  Reader discretion is advised.
Season VIII-Episode V-Kupopo
Projected Air date: Saturday, October 18, 1997
Projected Runtime:  36.7 Minutes
[Fade from Black to: the throne room.  Camille continues to idle against the back wall, while Warlord S still occupies her throne.  Chun-Li waits nearby with one scroll, while Strago waits impatiently for his turn to speak.  Mog enters, dragging on the end of a leash behind a suddenly energetic Duke.  [Image unknown]
Warlord S: ...and the last order of business.  [rolls eyes, turns to the brainwashed Camille]  However did you put up with it?
Chun-Li: M'lord, Strago bears word from Thamasa.
Strago: Finally!  M'lord, the statues, simply put, have been reborn.  Somehow, Kefka...
Warlord S: Kefka's dead, remember?
Strago: So?  Shadow's dead too, what's your point?
Warlord S: [Stretches]  Well and fine, what of it?
Strago:  My point is, if the statues are reactivated, we won't have to worry about the blue.  The enemy will have a weapon such to make your Super Scope the equivelant of...of...of an elf fire!
Mog: [releases Duke, who runs off]  Hey, I heard that.
Warlord S: And I suppose you expect me to outfit you with an entire army to deal with this "threat"?  Look around you, old man.  We're already in a state of war.
Mog: Kupo!  I'll go!
Warlord S: What is it with you FFIIIers and this death wish of yours?
Mog: Kupo, I've got time off Boss-Man.
Warlord S: Pfff, fine.  If you want to waste your vacation on a wild chocobo chase, be my guest.  The floor is closed until the morrow, Chun-Li to my chambres.  [She wipes the sweat off her brow and skips off.]
Mog: Kupo, gettin cozy!
Strago: Kids.
Warlord S: [He and Chun-Li blush]  What!?!
Strago and Mog: Nothing!  [exit]
[Cut to: the hallway.  Mog and Strago walk purposefully down the center, while Duke runs around playfully. [Image unknown]
Mog: Kupo!  Back to the floating continent then?
Strago: Amongst other things, yes.  We're still a man short.  [hears an audible clang, stops]  What on earth?  [runs forward, picks Cid up and shoos away Duke]
Cid: Blasted mutt!  Now look what he made me do.  [starts picking up more parts, putting them in his pockets.]
Mog: Kupo!  We're going on a Kefka hunt!  Kupo kupo!  Wanna join us?
Cid: Well, I'd love to, but not surprisingly Warlord S has me running around like a Chocobo with its tailfeathers on backwards.  Sorry.
Strago: Great.  [continues walking]  Any other great ideas?
Mog: Kupokupokupo!  A sasquatch pal with muscle!
Strago: Who, Umaro?  I thought he...
Mog: Kupo no way, not that bozo, Mr. Thou!  Whatdidja call him, Sabin?
Strago: Naw, he had to go back to Fighterland, they needed him for another Street Fighter sequel.  Hey, what about Yang?
Mog: Kupo, what about Yang?  He got concussion when Cecil whacked him on the head with a frying pan, now he can't see straight, an' I don't especially like the idea of his foot in my mouth.  Say, what about Relm?
Strago: That little pipsqueak?  No way, she's beyond useless.  Even with the Fake Mustache, she still glitches the map more often than not.
Mog: Kupo, how 'bout Ziegfried?
Strago: Dead.
Mog: Pitykupo.  I  liked him.
Strago: You would.  What about the ladies?  Rosa, Rydia, Terra, Celes?
Mog: Kupo: Rosa's pregnant again, Terra won't leave the orphanage, and Celes is still on her honeymoon.
Strago: [laughs]  How long has it been, 5 months now?  I tell ya, when Locke sets his mind to something, he does it right!  [pauses, counts fingers]  Waitaminute, what about Rydia?
Mog: [seriously]  Kupo, You don't remember?  After the Second Moon of FFIVJ left, and most of the Monsters died off, she took a position in club K.I.N.G. as a....
Strago: Really?  I thought that was just a rumor, like the rise of General Leo and the Gammw sword and the Dark Cammy.  But, if that's all she's doing...
Mog: Kupopoint taken.  I'll go get us an airship.
[Fade to: the engine room on The Enterprise, with the Auction House music.  Setzer and a few GreaseMonks hammer at a piece of metal that's managed to get wedged between the gears.  Mog enters, tripping one of the greasemonks, who falls into all the others, sending the hammer flying, which hits the opposite side of the gear, sending the coin into Setzer's yapping mouth.  He pulls it out, flips it over a few times, and has a muted conversation with Mog.  He then nods and exits.]

 [Cut to: A cafe in FFII.  Strago hammers furiously at a wall, prying with his cane, striking it with Merton, all to no avail.  A nicely-figured woman in a miniskirt cautiously approaches him.]
Woman: So, Grampa, you like-a the ladies?
Strago: [blushes]  N-n-no, I mean, yeah, I mean, NO!
Woman: [arches an eyebrow]  Oh, okay, so you like-a the gentlemen, eh?
Strago: N-n-nnnnnNO!
Woman: [Purses her lips, thinks it over for a second]  Say, you're not one a those guys that like-as the...
Strago: Don't even go there lady.  I'm just lookin' for a friend of a friend.
Woman: [scoffs]  That's what they all say.  Here ya go Gramps, free trial.  [opens the door, Setzer glares meaningfully and starts down the stairs]
[Cut to: Club King.  Golden Boy sits in the throne, eyes twirling as dancers all take turns leaping on and off of his lap.  Strago starts after them as they exit the stage, jamming a Trick Card in the door jamb.  Golden Boy limps off, as Strago stealthily makes his way along the secret passageway.]

[Cut to: The dressing room  Dancers of all hair and suit colour laze about in various states of undress, Rydia in the back is having one girl with blue hair help unzip her as a blonde in a large t-shirt unfastens her thigh-high boots.]
Strago: [Enters]  Rydia!  [The dancers scream and toss such clothes as they can easily grab back on]
Generic Dancer #1: Hey, you're not allowed back here!
Blue Haired Dancer: Yeah, this is private-stuff!  [almost an entire box of kleenex spills out of her left cup]
Rydia: Cousin Strago?  Is that you!
Strago: Rydi, I think we need to talk.   Um...elsewhere.
 [Cut to: The Overworld Map.  Rydia, now attired in her green caller-robes with matching boots and whip, sits casually on a stump as Setzer tries to catch her up on current events. [Image Unknown]
Strago: ...so, the Espers were ceated, as ultimate weapons of the three ancients.  But the Ancients saw what they had caused, and locked themselves away in stone, to eternally balance each others magics of light, dark and gray.
Rydia: And Kappa...
Strago: Kefka.
Rydia: Right, he wants to move 'em all outta bard, and screw up the world?
Strago: That's basically it, except he thinks it'll give him power.
Rydia: What a spoon!  Alright, so where does the spoony bard from space figure in?
Strago: Beg pardon?
Mog: [tries to sound a charge] Ku-ku-ku-KU-POPO!
Rydia: You know, like Zeromus, or Chaos, the spooner that comes in for no reason and makes things more confusing.
Strago: We don't got one of those.
Rydia: Honestly, Cousin Strago, I don't know HOW you put up with it.
[Fade to: the deck of the Enterprise.  Mog swings furiously at the wheel as a very green Strago is pulled up the stairs by Rydia] [Image unknown]
Mog: Kupo, hey, good lookin'!  What's with the old guy?
Strago: [Runs to the rail.]  I think I'm gonna...
Rydia: The spoony Bard doesn't take well to bumpy rides.  Hey, you're just a little fuzzball guy, aren't you?  [picks him up in a crushing embrace, Mog tries vainly to pry himself free, flailing uselessly at her fringe]
Mog:  Kupooof!  Hey, this IS cozy!  Kupo, where have you been all my life?
Strago: [Falls down]  Hey, watch where you're goin...[they crash head-on into the floating continent.]
Rydia: Oh, I hate it when that happens...
 [Fade from black to: the Flating Continent.  Rydia, Strago and Mog lie prone at Kefka's feet, bound up in the energy-traps]
Kefka: Vwee-hee-hee-hee-hee.  Try and stop me NOW will you?  No Celes to knife me this time.
Celes: [Jumps in via Dragoon Boots, accompanied by Locke]  Gotcha!  Honeymoon's over, 'k?  [Locke frees the others]
Kefka: Oh, I hate this game.  Noises Off!  [Celes fires Ice 3 at him, it gets sucked up by the Statues.]  Fire 1!  [flames glance Celes, she goes flying off the continent head first, Locke yells something unintelligible and leaps after her]  Fire 2!  [knocks the cliff edge off over Rydia, burying her alive.]  FIRE 3!  [A fireball hit's Strago head on, he shouts "Strago learned Fire 3"] before collapsing in a pile of ash.]
Mog: Kupo yeah?  well...DESERT ARIA!
Kefka: You're wasting your time, The Statues are just gonna absorb it anyways....
Mog: ReallyKupo?  ANTLION!  [a giant sinkhole opens up under him, sucking him and the statues down into it.]  Just a dance, Spoony Kupo, can't absorb that!  Ha!  [turns around, starts unburying Rydia, oblivious to the hill moving behind him.  As he rolls the last boulder off, Mother Brain II stands full up from her hiding place and locks on the Ultimate Beam.  Mog hears it and turns around.]  Uh-oh...[gets atomized]
Mother Brain: [Roars in delight, picks up Rydia with one talon]  So!  I lose a psycho, and get a new TEST SUBJECT!  HAHAHAHAHA!
 [Fade to black.]

End Episode V