Warning: This script may contain scenes of a mature nature.  Reader discretion is advised.
Season VIII-Episode VI-Seige
Projected Air date: Saturday, November 1, 1997
Projected Runtime:  27.33 Minutes
[Fade from Black to: the Super Palace of Power, main gates.  Chun-Li, Funky Kong, E. Honda, Ariel (in human form), Captain N., Duke and Ryu from Breath of Fire I wait impatiently, bracing the main bar as the wood splinters under  a tremendous booming force. [Image unknown]
Ariel: What are we waiting for?  We should fight back!
Ryu: Whoa, what's with you?  I mean, didn't you usedta be the naive little mermaid that dreamt of being a human an' all that?
Ariel: Yeah, well, what can I say, I got over it.  Now c'mon!  [glides towards the door, drawing a fork from her left skirt pocket]
Chun-Li: [grabs Ariel by the arm, spins her around and trips her]  We wait for the warlord.
Captain N: Why?  I got my blaster, and besides, these guys aren't so tough.
Chun-Li: [Hooks a leg around his gun arm, flips the zapper out of its sheath and catches it, aiming it at Captain N to Funky Kong and E. Honda's bemused applause]  I SAID WE WAIT.
Ryu:  He's got a point, you know.  [Ducks Chun-Li's arm, shifts to a Thunder Dragon and butts the gun back into Captain N's hand.  Captain N nods, Ryu shifts back]  We don't even know where he is, why should we wait for him?
Cid: [enters, shaking the soot off of his hood]  I know where he is.  [Robotech kid enters in a similar state.]  And why.
[Cut to: Cid's lab.  Warlord S sits at the bench, his Super Scope cooling down at his side and the communications array reading "NO CARRIER".  He shrugs disgustedly and leaves. [Image unknown]
[Cut to: The field just outside the Palace of Power.  Vega, Barb-e from FFIII and Sigma lead the effort, as about 50 or so Goombas/Chibbos pound a battering ram into the main gate.  Amidst the pounding, the sound of a Super Scope charging can barely be heard.  Suddenly, Sigma grabs Vega and pulls him down as the gates explode outwards.  The dust settles to reveal Warlord S, not even off the stairs yet, Scope smoking.  Barb-e shakes the splinters out of her hair, and attempts to stand back up.] [Image unknown]
Barb-e: Goombas!  Attack!  [one of the Goombas wiggles his foot a little, then the battering ram falls from the sky and squishes him like a bug.
[Image unknown]
[scoops up Barb-e and sets her back on her feet.]  Not the face!  Not the face!  [Ariel drop-kicks him, then swings with the fork.  Vega recoils, then draws his claws and slashes quickly across her chest.  She lunges for his neck and shatters the fork on his steel mask, he spins her around with his left and rips her throat out with one claw.  She gasps once and blues out before she even hits the floor.]
Ryu: Spoony!!! [turns into the Ultimate Dragon, charges Sigma.  Sigma blocks with one hand and smacks him down with the other, bluing him.]
Sigma: I really hope they get harder than THIS!
Barb-e: Indee...[gets blasted.]
Vega: What the...[dodges one blast, gets torpedoed in the back by E Honda, who then gets blasted by Warlord S.]
Warlord S.: Um....oops!
Sigma: HA HA HA HA HA!  [vanishes]
Captain N: Wha-where did he go?
Warlord S.: Why are you asking me?
Cid [offscreen]: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!  [Captain N runs off, Warlord S jumps and chases him.]
Chun-Li: Well, Vega, looks like it's just you and me.
[Image unknown]
[Extends claws]  Not for long, girly girl.  [Comes at her with a roll-claw, but she's already gone.  He looks up in time to see her foot hit him square in the face, shattering the mask.]  Air attacks?  BIOO!  [Jumps up, reverses direction three or four times, then dives at Chun Li.  She stands her ground, and hits him with a standing roundhouse right in the nose.  It cracks loudly, and Vega falls to the ground, slowly bluing.]
Chun-Li: You must enjoy being beat.  Let me rearrange your face one more time.  [Vega blues the rest of the way.]
[Cut to: the throne room.  Sigma warps in, tucks Cammy under his arm, and makes for the door.  It flies open in his face, and Captain N draws.  Sigma is on the verge of surrender when Warlord S runs in, trips, and "accidentally" tackles Captain N.  While Captain N is eating pavement, Warlord S points off towards the other door, and Sigma escapes.  Warlord S runs off as well, and closes the door firmly behind him.  Captain N gets up, glares, and pursues.]
[Cut to: the field behind the Palace of Power.  Sigma takes off into the valley with Cammy under one arm, as Warlord S. bursts through the door and notices Cid watching quietly from the stairwell window.]
Warlord S [loudly]: One more step and you'll be powering a toaster, buddy.
Sigma: But-but...[catches on, swings the Princess in front of him as a shield] Oh!  You wouldn't.  The Princess would be caught in the crossfire!
Warlord S: [Grins slyly]  Acceptable losses.  [Sigma's eyes go wide as he realizes how things have turned against him.  Warlord S pulls the trigger, but the blue is deflected by a shot of static, spinning it into the ground at Sigma's feet.  The cliff crumbles, and Sigma falls with Cammy's limp wrist still in one hand.]
Captain N: NO!  [Presses the 'B' button, dashes off the cliff.  Sigma slowly pulls himself back up the lip of the valley hand-over-hand, while Warlord S strides quietly to meet him.] 
Sigma [Whispers]: W-W-Warlord?   Wh-Why?  [Distant 'sproing']
Warlord S [Whispers]: Look to thyself, knave.  You attacked before I was rightly ready, the Inventor was watching.  [sighs]  Very well, I will just have to see to the Princess and her... retainer personally.  [Powers up blaster, sights Sigma's head.  Sigma gasps, releases the cliff and falls, just as Warlrd S blues him.  Warlord S turns around and sees Captain N glaring, Cammy's cel under one arm.  Warlord S. gulps.]  So, rescued her again I see.
Captain N: [still glaring]  I do know what's going on here, Warlord.  Don't think you're getting off that easy.  [turns and enters the castle.  Warlord S. mimes blasting him in the back, complete with "Boom!  Aaaa!" sound effects.  He then thinks better of it, shakes his head and follows.]
[Cut to: Cid's lab.  Cid shakes off the last of the soot, while the Robotech kid bandages a spot of blue on his elbow.]
Cid: [combs beard]  So, whatdaya think of that Warlord?
Kid: [Finishes]  Whadaya think I think?  He's an ill-tempered lout, but whaddayagonna do?
Cid: [Chuckles, puts down comb]  Mess with his gear.
Kid: [Jumps up]  You mean his blaster?  But-but...
Cid: No, no, I'm mad but I'm not suicidal!  Naw, I just put a recorder bug on the [turns over viewscreen, finds the bug smashed to pieces]  Bard!  The viewscreen, to intercept transmissions.  [starts to unscrew the casing]
Kid: What, so you can listen in on him and Mario?
Cid: Him and...Kid, we gotta talk.
 [Cut to: The Throne Room.  Captain N and Chun-Li whisper back and forth, Chun-Li visibly shaken by the news.  Funky Kong rubs his head where the doors' explosion knocked him out and listens in, nodding his assent periodically.  Duke gnaws on a Goomba.  Everyone turns and falls silent as Warlord S enters.  Chun-Li grasps Captain N. for protection] [Image Unknown]
Warlord S: Well, I'm off.  Today's attack further proves my earlier assesment that the New Brain Army must have a base nearby.  I will go as advance scout, and destroy as much as I can safely destroy.
Captain N: But...
Warlord S: Chun-Li...[she shakes her head slightly, eyes wide with anticipation]...you are to remain here, and see to it that everything goes according to schedule.  I run a tight ship here people!  Funky Kong, you are to go forth immediately and prepare Boco for my departure.  [Funky Kong scowls, and leaves with knuckles dragging.]  Captain N!  You are not to depart on any more rescue missions until I return, is that understood?
Captain N: But...
Captain N: [mulls it over, grins]  Sure.  I won't leave until told otherwise.
Warlord S: Great.  [Boco the Chocobo enters]  Well, I'm off then!
Chun-Li: [swallows, centers herself] And...and what if Mega Man X or Samus return?
Warlord S: Whaddaya...oh, right.  Um...tell them to patrol until I get back, I'll deal with them personally.  [Grins at his own private joke and rides off.  Captain N and Chun-Li look at each other.  Captain N cocks an eyebrow, Chun-Li looks to the ground and shuffles off.}
 [Fade to black.]
End Episode VI