Oh, why don't I just tell you my story.

Way back in the beginning of the year there were the Mac LCs. And theywere good. Then came the punks. And they were adequate. And they configuredthe computers to shout rude things at the press of a key. And that kindasucked. And they learned how to crash other computers over the linking cables.And that really sucked. And then there was Mister Monkey, formerly MisterGomer, formerly Mister Montgomery. And he wielded the mighty FoolProof.And that really blew.

So not all was well in the kingdom of Room 13. In fact, many things suckedin the kingdom of Room 13, and above all reigned FoolProof. Then, from themists of San Bruno arose a champion to challenge the great FoolProof. Hestood tall in his cloak of many grays, and his knowledge of computers waslegendary (major ego trip, eh?). He quickly found a flaw in FoolProof'sscaly hide, and slew the mighty beast.

From the ruins were spawned a few bedraggled heroes, also bent on the destructionof FoolProof. They were weak, but they were spirited, and would rest atnothing to see it vanquished once and for all. For FoolProof did not diethat day. Oh no, it dwelt in the back of Mister Monkey's closet, gatheringdust and growing in strength. And then, one fateful day, it returned.

Gone was its flaw of old, and resplendent was his armor yet again. No simplemethods could bring this beast to his knees. Long was the struggle, butusing his combined ingenuity with that of James of Ninety-Seven and puredumb luck, he destroyed it yet again. This would prove a grave mistake;for FoolProof had learned a new trick. It would no longer go peacably; nowit locked the computer as it went. The hero was stalemated.

Unable to win on his usual terms, the hero fell upon treachery. He alliedhimself with Mister Monkey, in such a way that he could continue his quest.One day Mister Monkey grew careless, and left behind the KeyDisk. Our quick-thinkinghero duplicated the disk, and so doing continued to reign over FoolProof.In an effort to appease the almighty hero, Mister Monkey gave the Hero apersonal trapdoor, and access to the most powerful computer in the lab.The Hero was a humble man, and so accepted these terms.
