The Life of Tyhm-4/29/96

Aw geez, so much has happened since last I left off I doan knowwhere to begin. Well, I graduated from Oceana by the skin of my teeth,as did the rest of my cohorts. For a while I worked at Expressly Portraits,but they kept saying they'd promote me, then changing the criteria, so I blewthem off and went to work as a computer lab intern at...Oceana.So, after my huge war against the Macs, I end up back here, working forthe monkey again. Comerade John Gafford and I now both attend Skyline College,ruling THIS school with an Iron Fist. As for the lovely and mysterious Rose Marie,negotiations remain underway to get her to join our unholy crusade. Patand Mario,on the other hand, have joined our evil community-college hordes.Nobody's really sure what"Scrotoaton" (and his Swedish Bikini Commandoteam) are up to, but that's normal...for him...BTW, we have your GoaNies! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Just before I left, however, I rose to the rank of Official Drama Club Skryb, and curatorof the meetings in the Tech Club, who ironically don't have a web page. -Tyhm Youngs
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