OH -, why I do not explain my history even to you.

Wise rear side at the start of the yearly there were the MacLCs. and it were good. Came then punks. And they were sufficient.And they configured the computers, in order to cry rude things at thepress of a key. And this kinda sucked. And they learned, as oneaborts other computers over the binding cables. And really sucked.And then it gave Mr. Monkey, in former times Mr. Gomer, in formertimes Mr. Montgomery. And it exercised the powerful FoolProof. Andreally burned through.

Like that everything was not good in the kingdom of space 13.Actually many things sucked in the kingdom above all FoolProofgoverned by space 13 and. Then from the nebulas of San Bruno a masterdeveloped for challenging the large FoolProof. ** time out ** it arehighly in its coat of much grey, and its knowledge of computer itslegendarily (main ego journey, as?). He found an error in scaly theskin FoolProof's fast and turns the powerful animal around.

To unite bedraggled the Heroes was gelaicht by the ruins,also bent on the destruction of FoolProof. They were weak, but theywere spirited and to stand still at nothing see that it once and forall vanquished. For FoolProof did not die this day. OH No., heremained in the rear side of the wandschranks of the Mr. Monkeys,entered dust and grows in the strength. And then, fateful a day, hedecreased/went back.

Gone its error from old, and resplendent its armamentnevertheless again. No simple methods could get this animal to itsknees. If the fight was long, but with its combined sense of sharpwith of James of Ninety Seven and of pure dumb luck, it destroyed itnevertheless again. This would check a serious error; for FoolProofa new trick had learned. It would not go to no more peacably; now itlocked the computer, while it went. The Hero became ausgeschalten.

Not capable of winning on its usual designations the Herofell after Treachery. It connected itself with Mr. Monkey, so that itcould continue its search. A daily Mr. Monkey grew imprudently links,and behind that key disk. Ours fast quick thinking Hero copied thedisk and thus continued doing governing over FoolProof. ** time out** in effort to appease a d almighty hero, Mr. Fallhammer give d heropersonally trapdoor, and access to d at most efficiently a computer ind laboratory. The Hero was a humble man and thus accepted theseconditions.

Decrease/go back!!!

English V