The Bodhrán Site
'A brief history of the Bodhrán'
The most popular theory
is that the bodhrán, pronounced bough-ron or bow-ron,
was developed from a domestic sieve or winnow, sometimes
called a wecht, wicht or dallan.
A sheep or goat skin was stretched over the open end for use as a drum at gatherings or festivals. The skin was removed again afterwards and the tool returned to its (then) proper uses like separating wheat from chaff and suchlike. There are those that believe the bodhrán was a device used to drag peat out of the bogs like a sled. Another theory is that the frame drum came to Ireland in some form, from other countries like Africa, Egypt, Afghanistan and Spain I cant give you the definitive history but I find the evolution of a sieve a likely a theory as any. |
brief history | construction | before you play | playing | holding your bodhrán |
your 'drum' hand | holding your tipper | using your tipper | playing triplets | caring for your bodhrán |
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