***Welcome to São Paulo***

Municipal Theater

constructed in 1903

The inauguration in 12 of September of 1911, with the opera " Hamlet " of Ambrósio Thomas, gave beginning to a new period of training in the "paulistana"cultural life. Its construction, the position of the office of Francisco Ramos de Azevedo, counted on the contribution of Italian architects Cláudio Rossi and Domiziano Rossi. The team, that during nine years consecutive dedicated the design to it and to the management of the workmanships, established contact with the main companies of the world, bringing the São Paulo a limitless number of decorative elements, still today gifts in its architecture. Names had been presented in this century as Caruso, Callas, Ruffo, Schipa, Bidu Saião, Olenewa, Nijinski, Toscanini, Alonso, Pavlowa, Rubisntein, Gigli, Guiomar Novaes, Duncan, Tagliaferro, Fonteyn, and the personalities that they had organized, in 1922, the Week of Modern Art. In 1951 the Theater suffered to radix modernization, co-ordinated for the architect Tito Raucht. New floors had been created in the area of the dressing-rooms, extending its capacity of room. In the room of spectacles the berths in all had been suppressed the orders, only 11 had been kept. All the remaining area was transformed into balconies



***Welcome to São Paulo******Welcome to São Paulo******Welcome to São Paulo***