Sets some preferences.
pt DumpL�nge MemDumpL�nge
DumpLength is the number of bytes per line which will be printed by the ascii and screendump commands 'i' and 'j'. MemDumpLength is the same for the memory dump commands 'm' and 'n'. Only values which still fit on the screen are accepted.
The default numeric system for both parameter is Hex.
Defines the device used for memory access. 0 is the C64 and 8 to 31 are the serial bus devices.
'pi' defines the read and 'po' the write access. 'pio' combines both commands.
pi ReadDevice
po WriteDevice
pio ReadDevice [WriteDevice]
pi 8
m 300
...shows the memory of floppy #8 at $300.
pio 8
t 300 380 600
a 400 sei
...copies the memory of floppy #8 from $300 to $380 to $600. Afterwards the first line of an assembler programm is entered in the floppy memory.
If 'pio' has only one parameter (like in this example) the read and write device are set to the same value.
pio 0,8
t c00 e4c 300
pio 0
...copies the C64's memory from $c00 to $e4c into floppy #8 to $300. The following 'pio 0' sets read and write access back to the C64's memory.
The default numeric system for all parameter is Dec!
Selects the mapping mode for adresses in commands.
The Syntax is:
pm [d | n | p | Bank [,ZeroPage]]
By default DreaMon parses adresses without any change.
m 0 shows the memory contents at $000000, no matter what the 'Direct-Page' register contains.
This might be useful in some situations but gets annoying if the Program- or Data-Bank is not zero. In this case you have to enter every adress with 3 bytes to reach the desired bank.
Here the 'Mapping Modes' come in handy. They map 1 or 2 byte long adresses on the fly. There are 4 modes:
Data Bank and Zeropage
Programm Bank
custom values
no Mapping
Data Bank and Zeropage mapping. The 'Data Bank' register's actual value is added to 2 byte long adresses. The 'Direct Page' register's actual value is added to 1 byte long adresses.
This mode is activated by the command pmd or the hotkey Ctrl+Shift+d.
The 'Data Bank' register is displayed by the 'r' command marked with 'DB'. The 'Direct Page' register is marked 'DP'.
r ���PC����A����X����Y���SPTR�NVMXDIZCE [00C4A7�FF01�0031�0009�01F2�001100010 �DB��DP��01 ]08�E240�37 |
m f0
:00E330 many bytes
m 10C0
:0810C0 many bytes
3 byte long adresses are not changed by the mapping:
m 0010C0
:0010C0 many bytes
Programm Bank mapping. The 'Program Bank' register's actual value is added to 1 and 2 byte long adresses.
This mode is activated by the command pmp or the hotkey Ctrl+Shift+p.
The 'Program Bank' register is displayed by the 'r' command as the program counter's bankbyte (PC):
r ���PC����A����X����Y���SPTR�NVMXDIZCE [15C002�8D91�0000�000C�01F8�001100110 �DB��DP��01 ]00�E200�37 |
m f0
:1500f0 many bytes
m 10C0
:1510C0 many bytes
3 byte long adresses are not changed by the mapping:
m 0010C0
:0010C0 many bytes
Mapping with custom values. In this mode the expansion for 1 and 2 byte long adresses can be set to any value.
pm Bank
...expand 2 byte long adresses with Bank. 1 byte long adresses are not 82
m f0
:0000f0 many bytes
m 10C0
:8210C0 many bytes
pm Bank ,ZeroPage
...expand 2 byte long adresses with Bank. 1 byte long adresses are expanded with 82,1d80
m f0
:001E70 many bytes
m 10C0
:8210C0 many bytes
No Mapping. In this mode no adresses are expanded.
This mode is activated by the command pmn or the hotkey Ctrl+Shift+n.
The default numeric system for Bank and ZeroPage is Hex!