Ctrl-Shift keys

Next to the already known keys from the C64 - like Ctrl+Shift - some new (and I hope handy) keys are are introduced:

Ctrl+Shift+mswitch Akku 8/16 Bit (M flag is not touched)
Ctrl+Shift+LeftArrowMemory Mapping On/Off (aka Debug Mode. So hands off if you don't know what you are up to ;)
Ctrl+Shift+0 - 9Set $01 to #$3x (e.g.: Ctrl+Shift+5 is like lda #$35:sta 1)
Ctrl+Shift+xswitch X/Y 8/16 Bit (X flag is not touched)
Ctrl+Shift+ffollow Rep/Sep On/Off
Ctrl+Shift+h'verbose hunt/opcodehunt' Modus An/Aus, zeige ein paar mehr infos als nur die Adresse
Ctrl+Shift+vswitch VideoMode: (Vic, VDC 2531, VDC Super6 and ParDis (Experimental))
Ctrl+Shift++more lines (only VDC2531 and Super6)
Ctrl+Shift+-less lines (nur VDC2531 and Super6)
Ctrl+Shift+CursorsMove cursor to the screen borders (Ctrl+Shift+Down = move to last line)
Ctrl+Shift+pset mapping mode to 'program bank'
Ctrl+Shift+dset mapping mode to 'data bank and zeropage'
Ctrl+Shift+nset mapping mode to 'none'

Ctrl+Shift+m and x only change internal flags for akku and register sizes. The M and X flag of the processor status is not altered.

The videomode 'VDC2531' uses the 80 colums screen of a C128. Change the number of lines from 25 up to 31 with Ctrl+Shift++ and Ctrl+Shift+-.

The 'super6' mode is similar to 'VDC2531' but uses another charset which is just 6 pixels high. This way more lines fit onto the screen. The total amount depends on your (hardware-) monitor. The number of lines is changes the same way as in the 'VDC2531' mode. As both modes use the VDC chip they are only available on a C128.