
The scrollmode enables you to browse easy and fast through the memory. After each line DreaMon waits for a key which can be one of these:

Cursor Up/Downone step up/down
Spaceone step in actual direction
Returnonly in disass-mode: follow operand
LeftArrowreturn to adress before 'follow operand'
+/-next/previous byte
dswitch to Disass mode
iswitch to Acsii-Dump mode
jswitch to Screen-Dump mode
mswitch to Mem-Ascii-Dump mode
nswitch to Mem-Screen-Dump mode
Stopleave Scrollmode

The Ctrl-Shift Keys are also active.

'follow operand' can be used 85 tiimes before a return adress gets lost. From the 86th time on the first return adress in each case gets lost.