The next semester started. More time for coding. ;)
Updated the docs. Now all working commands are mentioned (I hope).
Mapping modes
Ctrl+Shift+p program bank mapping, Ctrl+Shift+d data bank and zeropage mapping Ctrl+Shift+n no mapping Debug mode set to Ctrl+Shift+LeftArrow
Trace now uses long fp's in all cases which is more secure
debug vector for long calls. Just insert 'jsl $00d304' somewhere in your code to wake up DreaMon.
assembling branches did not work with $0 and $1 as destination adress.
the assembler did not accept branches wrapping at the bank border
Thanks to Stephan Andres for this bugreport!enter freezepoints directly (z 1234 ln) lost first char of adress
Memory execute (@me adress), block read (@br track sector adress) block write (@bw track sector adress)
Action Replay owner please note that the adress argument for block read and write is a full adress and not just a high byte like the action replay syntax. This reads track 18, sector 1 to $c000: '@br 12 1 c000'
HW-regs enable and optimisation mode were not restored correctly
E-flag was changed sometimes
assembling a branch mnemonic filled the following byte with garbage
Thanks to Stephan Andres for reporting this bug!tracing RTS, RTI and RTL did not work
drivemem access now cares about errors like 'drive not present'
the patched kernal rom (active with enabled hw-regs) was shown instead of the real one
writing to $a000-$bfff and $e000-$ffff with $01=#$37 now changes the pseudo rom and not the ram below
entering the debug mode just changed the VIC-border even if you were viewing a vdc screen
remapped the scroll lock key from shift to ctrl
This seems to make more sense as the scpu acts the same way
Thanks to Stephan Andres for this bugreport!
all adresses in pages $1d and $29 could not be used as operands for opcodes
Only 2 days left till 24th. Happy, happy! Time for the DreaMon christmas edition.
Left Shift and Scroll Lock act as scroll lock
Errorchannel was cleared after a command sometimes
Now the message always gets through
This time I killed a funny bug. With enabled hw-regs it's possible to crash the scpu just by writing to some vic-regs. The Opcode must be located in the SRam at a special position in any page which depends on the number of the vic-reg. Sounds strange, hm?
FKeys and Label Load/Save
just append f or l to the load/save command (lf"fkeys",8)Bugfix:
writing to Vic registers with enabled hardware-regs is unstable
I have no idea why, so I just switched the hw-regs off before every vic access.
E-Flag was not correctly set
"Trace" and "Step In" ignored settings for Direct Page and Data Bank
Thanks to Jolse for the ideas and reported bugs in this update!
Ctrl+Shift+i inserts line, Ctrl+Shift+k kill line, Ctrl+Shift+c clear line
default setting for F5 and F7 is now 'fast scroll up/down'
a Range was always mistaken as scrollmode
for some commands (like 'h') buffered mem access worked only for the first few bytes
Phew, I passed the second block of tests at the end of my semester holydays!
Long time no update, but this will become better. Er, I hope...New:
Buffered memory access for all commands except freezepoints (needed for redirect)
Redirect read/write to drive memory
dump adress and memory contents were mixed up in bad situations
inserted a ':' to fix this
Trace command 'xt'
Opcode Hunt speeded up a bit
Warning message if DreaMon is started by an unknown FreezePoint. This happens if a FP is copied to another memory location. You have to delete the FP at the old location by hand (sorry).
Check for VDC/PrLink before switching to that Video Mode.
So (hopefully) no more crashes after some Ctrl+Shift+v and no PrDis daemon running.Disk operations at 20Mhz
Counter FPs did not work with all Opcodes
Redefining Labels and using other Labels in the definition screwed things up
Opcodes 'AND' and 'OR' were mistaken as Math Operands in some situations. I had to change the Math Ops to '@a', '@o', '@n' and '@e' for 'and', 'or', 'not' and 'eor'. Sorry if you already got used to them.
Delete at the start of a double-line did not work
The installer is now packed with PuCrunch. Wow, almost 40% saved. Thanks to Pasi Ojala for this great tool!
The depacker is a 65816 optimized version.Docs and history in english
While disassembling in scroll mode you can follow the operand by hitting return. If the adressmode is something indexed or indirect the destination adress is calculated using the actual values of the registers.
New display mode: PrDisplay
It shows the DreaMon screen in a unix console using a parallel cable. So the C64 remains unchanged and the screen can be bigger (how about 80x50? :).
You might have already guessed by the name that I'm using PrLink by Marko M�kel� and Olaf Seibert.
It's not completely done at the moment, but if anyone has a X1541, PC64 or prlink cable and a unix box I'd be happy to mail you the client. Just contact me.
Hurray! Two of 3 tests are done. Now I can code without a bad feeling!
Labels can be deleted by '�<Labelname>='
'p' sets one of the many prefs from inside the DreaMon.
'pt <asciidump len>,<memdump len>' sets the number of bytes per line for ascii/screencode dump and memory dump.Bugfix:
Defining an empty FKey no more kills the following.
'?argh' evaluated to $0a.
funny data bank causes not a crash anymore
Schon merkw�rdig: Die Klausuren r�cken immer n�her, und obwohl ich noch _nichts_ gelernt habe, code ich viel mehr am DreaMon weiter, als im �brigen Semester. Es ist wohl doch etwas dran, dass am meissten Spass macht, was man nicht soll. ;-)
Der erste Teil eines kleinen Setup-Tools ist fertig. Dort kann schnell die Position des DreaMons und des Buffers im Mem festgelegt werden. Die meissten I/O-Routinen sind dabei schon vom DreaMon, der sich danach einfach ohne den Setup-Krams verschiebt.
Ich habe versucht, die gr�bsten Fehler in der Eingabe abzufangen, wie z.B. Code �berschreitet Bank-Grenze, Code und Text �berschneiden sich, usw.
Schaut doch bitte, was noch fehlt!Bugfix:
Save m�llt nicht mehr den ganzen Screen voll
Viele kleine Fehler, die das Relocaten mit sich brachte...
Beim Optimieren einiger Routinen stellte ich entsetzt fest, dass das Memory Mapping eigentlich nur durch Zufall funktioniert hatte, da ein Speicherbereich bis jetzt am Pagestart lag. Oops!
Durch den Reloc-Krams klappten die Long-Freezepoints nicht mehr
Der Umstieg auf den XA hat sich gelohnt. Der DreaMon ist jetzt im kompletten Super-Ram Byteweise verschiebbar! Nun fehlt mir nur noch ein kleines Interface, in dem man die gew�nschte Position einstallen kann.
Das sollte eigentlich schon in die Symmek Version rein, aber ich habs nicht auf die Reihe bekommen.
Im letzten Monat habe ich die meisste Zeit damit verbracht, das System zu wechseln. Ich code jetzt auf einer netten, kleinen Linux-Box mit dem XA. Leider musste ich mich von Acme verabschieden, da McBacon schon seit langem nichts mehr daran gemacht hat, und mit der momentanen Version die schon lange �berf�llige Verschiebbarkeit des DreaMons H�llenqualen f�r mich bedeuten w�rden. Bye, bye...
Alle Argumente k�nnen ab sofort mathematische Terme mit Klammern sein.
Die Klammerzahl ist beliebig, bzw. soviel eben in eine Zeile reingehen.
("...77, 78, 79!" :-)'? Term' zeigt Term als Hex, Dez, ASCII und Bin�r
Mit '�' k�nnen Label definiert und benutzt werden
Test, ob ein 65816 drin ist ohne Illegale Ops
Bei fehlender SCPU kommt jetzt eine kleine CSW-Werbung. :-)Test, ob 65816 wirklich SCPU und nicht Flash8 ist
Ob das l�uft? Hm...Dieses putzige Historyfile ;-)
Gr�sse des X/Y Registers wurde beim Assemblieren nicht ber�cksichtigt
Dx0D-Read klappt endlich
Freezen im Dezimal-Mode l�uft auch