Saint Paddy's Niche

      This Niche is dedicated to St Paddy (Keenan), the patron saint of our patron saint. These holy icons are zealously guarded by the Fanatical And Ridiculous, Completely Extraneous Knights who say "Niche."

his lairdship and st paddy
His Lairdship in a private audience with St Paddy.
Also present were Billy Kelly and a future piper.

Troy Savings Bank Music Hall, 15 May 1999
We read the tickets and got there a wee bit early.

"These people are scary," said St Neil to St Paddy.

"The last time I saw this rabbit," said St Neil, "he weedled on my head."
We declined to mention that being a stuffed Bunny, His Lairdship has no bodily orifices from which to weedle.