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Dec 2003 - issue 145 

from the Chair

Social events - Safari supper

Suntreckers visit to Heritage

Camping rule changes


Social events - Posh Nosh


Late news


from the Chair

After the AGM a new Chairperson is selected. This year Tony was persuaded to remain in place, joined by four new Management Committee members.

Heritage is a true members' club. It has all the advantages (and failings) of a functioning democratic group: no-one can act unilaterally, but then sometimes things take a little longer to agree. We all share in the club's development, but all developments need a good discussion.

As I sit writing this note in mid December, I can't help thinking that there are so many wonderful traditions at this time of year.

This is the traditional point when we reflect upon all that has happened over the last year. In Heritage much has been achieved, and, as I said in my address to the AGM, we have made a lot of progress on a number of key projects.

There is much that still remains to be done, which reminds me of that other seasonal tradition - the New Year Resolution!

continued on next column


Unlike most resolutions, which do not survive the first of January, the Management Committee is determined that we will deliver on our commitments. In order for us to do this we will need a lot of help from everyone. Please do come and speak to any of us at any time with your ideas and suggestions. Please do let us know if you can offer help in any way; it will be much appreciated.

Although Heritage is at its busiest during the summer, it is still quite active even in the depths of winter. Not only are there the organised social events but also Sauna nights most Wednesdays and some Saturdays. There is line dancing most Fridays, and the miniten courts are still busy on Sundays (weather permitting!). So why not come along & join in?

Finally, on behalf of all the officers and the Management Committee, I wish everyone a really magical Christmas and a fantastic 2004

Best Wishes


Next story

List of contents

The summer is full of social events. Family fun week (above) brings the active summer social season to a close but there are many other events. Heritage is as much a social club as it is a naturist club. Friendships are made for life.

Safari Supper

Andrew G Some club members say it's the best social event of the year, others don't know what all the fuss is about. This article is intended for those who have not been on a Safari Supper.

Basically, participants prepare part of an evening meal and serve it to fellow members. The rest of their meal is prepared and served by other club members. The excitement comes from not knowing, until the last moment, where you will be going for the rest of the meal and only finding out whom your guests are going to be when they actually turn up. You also will have no idea what you are going to get to eat. (If you have special dietary needs, these will be catered for, as long as I know about them.)

In early May, advertising posters go up and a list of participants is put on the notice board for you to add your names to. If you want to join in, you must add your names to the list. You cannot turn up on the night wanting to pay and take part, because that will not work.

If you don't have a partner, you may take part as a single or find someone to pair up with - the choice is yours. Don't worry if you cannot provide seating for guests at a hut, tent or caravan, because you will be able to commandeer pavilion tables and chairs and/or picnic tables on the night.

I spend four days working out who is providing which course and for whom. The only cheating I do is to ensure that those who have taken part previously do not always get to provide the same course. I will write each couple a letter telling them which course they are to provide, for how many people and if there are any special dietary needs. The envelope will contain cash for buying ingredients. Then it will be up to you to choose a recipe, buy ingredients and do all the necessary preparations for your allocated course before the big night.

At 6:45 p.m. on 19th June, the chaos begins as two-thirds of the Safari participants will get a letter telling them where to go to get their starter course. The other one-third will be anxiously waiting to see who is coming to dinner.

Between 7 and 7:30, a superb range of starters will be consumed amid the clink of glasses and witty chatter. At 7:30, those providing main courses will slip back to their bases for final preparations and everyone else will receive envelopes telling them their next destination.

At 7:45, the main courses will be served and you have an hour to enjoy what your hosts or yourselves have prepared. At 8:45, more envelopes will arrive telling you who is preparing your dessert.

Desserts are enjoyed between 9 and 9:30. After that, everyone will make their way to the Pavilion to round off the evening with coffee, cheese and biscuits.

That is how it is supposed to work, but it has been known for me to get things wrong, like the time 10 people turned up to Carolyn and Adrian's for dessert! Of course, they coped admirably and, looking back, the mishap just added to the fun.

Next story


 This AGM saw a tidying up of the constitution, a re-affirmation of the AGM's supremacy and changes to make it easier to call an 'Emergency' general meeting.

Get the changes from the clubhouse office or download them from the website




This will be the second visit by Suntreckers which is probably the UK's largest naturist club without a fixed site. Their meets are usually at other clubs.

Heritage has invited Suntreckers to visit us on the 25th to the 30 of June. This will be a larger rally than last year with nine units on site.

Heritage extends a warm welcome to Suntreckers and hopes that June is indeed 'flaming hot'.

Changes in camping rules

The club has needed for sometime to make more sense of its various camping rules and these were agreed at the AGM.

The full new rules are available in paper or electronic form. In in doubt download them. Some of the important points - in no particular order - are drawn to your attention here:

  • Permanent Sites are expected to be used by their owners on a regular basis throughout the camping season to provide normal camping facilities, which should include a minimum of 14 nights.
  • Only the footprint of the tent or chalet and associated storage box has been let to the site occupier and there shall be no restriction, boundary or impediment anywhere around the permanent site placed by a site occupier to the access and enjoyment of the club by its members
  • Applications for camping facilities by members, including the Static Caravan will only be accepted as of the first Sunday of February in the year of use.
  • Applications for camping facilities by non-members, including the Static Caravan will only be accepted as of the first day of March in the year of use.
  • A single period of casual camping shall be limited to 14 nights
  • Only members may have up to five non-consecutive casual camping periods
  • The Camping Committee shall determine the number of camping periods by a member on the basis of a fair distribution of casual camping amongst the membership

In addition, Andy, Jock and John would like to draw your attention to Health and Safety issues (following the disastrous explosion/fire at another club).


Chalet Insurance Policy

  • The cover is for £2500 reconstruction costs and £1650 contents. No claims will be considered for sums under £350, but above that claims will be paid in full. The usual strictures apply about 5 lever locks or similar padlocks as regards theft, and due care and attention to fire or health and safety hazards. The policy details can be emailed to members or inspected at the club office.

Personal Accident Cover on-site

  • Club members under the age of 70 benefit from accidental injury cover on site - for instance slipping over in the shower. CCBN members also benefit from provisions of the CCBN policies. If you are over 70, it has proven impossible to get cover for accidental injury at the club. The club does of course carry 3rd Party cover up to £2,000,000.

Pool Cover

  • The club has spent just over £ 1000 on a winter cover for the new pool. This should help protect it from frost, leaves and dirt as well as making it easier and quicker to bring the pool into use in the 2004 season. Hopefully we will not have to pay for 'refilling' the pool this year. Please take care when near the pool over the winter period - we would hate for it to get accidentally damaged.


List of contents

Posh Nosh

Just in case you thought it was all about 'un-dressing'  - it isn't. Naturists are brilliant at dressing up and POSH NOSH is the high point of the year for donning those glad rags.

For those who don't know Ian (above), our current Treasurer, and his wife - here's a challenge - find them on other pages without their glad rags! 

Chris and I, for no good reason, had missed Posh Nosh 1 & 2, so we arrived at Heritage during the afternoon and joined an informal nail varnishing session at Andy & Elaine's hut. Chris impressed the ladies by doing my nails - the only husband to do so. 

The pavilion was stunningly decked out in blue and silver with hundreds of blue and silver balloons in a net and also tethered in the conservatory. It was almost unimaginably classy. We were intercepted by Anne-Marie to add the finishing touch to our outfits- red & white carnations. Greeted with Buck's Fizz we were then swept off to be photographed by Adrian, to commemorate the event, and to prove that we do sometimes wear clothes even at Heritage. (When I had told my non-naturist brother-in-law that we were to attend a naturist black-tie event, I think he had something a little different in mind!)

continued on next column

  The seating plan deliberately split up known cliques, so we all had a great opportunity to chat with members who we didn't know too well. This was a brilliant idea. It is too easy to get into the habit of socialising only with the same few friends.

Great platters of humus, crudités, ample supplies of wine swiftly followed by, succulent chicken breast in either a mushroom or red wine & berry sauce all served by the club's children acting as waiters and waitresses, and very smartly they were all go up too. The children were also doing a great trade in raffle tickets, and any table buying sufficient tickets was rewarded with yet another bottle of wine.

The pudding course was a choice of strawberry or chocolate mousse or treacle tart with the latter proving extremely popular. Not only was all the food excellent, but it was beautifully presented. To round off a very special meal indeed, we were treated to Bailey's and brandy.

The music for the evening was provided by the excellent and indefatigable band Spice who kept us all dancing until 1.30 in the morning - I do hope that we shall see Spice again at Heritage.

So, many congratulations to Lynda and the Social Committee on an excellent evening, with thanks due especially to Andy & Anne-Marie, Derek and Joan, Carol and Tony, Vince and Norah, our junior waiters and waitresses, and thanks also to everyone who took part in the preparation, decoration, and clearing up.

Much to Ian's surprise, we were very snug in our Renault Espace for the night afterwards.

Pam LT


List of contents

Fireworks night

Next year there will be a Haloween fireworks night. See the diary here. This of course has nothing to do with the following story!

I'm told it was Chris H's doing. He tried to save the club some money (we always spend far more than the contents of the Fireworks Fund bottle) by buying fireworks from a cheaper source. All went well at first. The fireworks were certainly up to the dramatic standard we've come to expect. In fact, I thought they were better than last year as there was more visual brilliance and less aural battering.

But then something went wrong. A rocket totally failed to go up and just exploded on the ground. The launch team didn't seem to bat an eyelid, and carried on with the display. A second rocket did the same. I believe a third did, too. Luckily, nobody was hurt, but it goes to show that these huge modem fireworks are potentially dangerous. Our team of blue-touch-paper-lighters are very well disciplined and take no chances, but we should perhaps rethink our Bonfire Night celebrations if such problems can arise.

But apart from that, full marks to Michelle and the rest of the new Social Committee and all the aforementioned pyromaniacs. Chris LT


New potential members are met by the membership team and come for an initial three visits, usually on a Sunday 

[ see our web pages on membership ] Come and join Heritage.




Late News

Barbara has died 

It is with real sadness that we have to tell you that Barbara O died on Christmas Eve. Barbara was taken ill at the weekend and was admitted to hospital earlier in the week, where she died suddenly.

Barbara joined the club 35 years ago in the late 1960s and had been active at Heritage for all those years.

Our thoughts are with Barry, Clive & the rest of the family at this time.

A fuller obituary will follow.

Loans Scheme

Download the documents to learn and subscribe to this essential fund raiser for the club. The details also went out in the Xmas renewals mailing.


List of contents

 NEW - the notes on conduct and guidance for members & visitors to Heritage have been simplified

The AGM approved the much needed 'revamp' of  this guidance. Generally all the old 'donts' have been removed, but it was important to ensure the naturist character of the club. Some key paragraphs are reproduced below.

  • All members, guests and visitors are expected to undress when the weather permits. Children should be given encouragement to embrace the spirit of naturism. However, such encouragement not enforcement, is the sole responsibility and prerogative of the children's parents.
  • All guests and visitors shall be subject to the Articles of the Constitution and the Rules of the Club

  • The pool area is reserved for naturist swimmers and sunbathers only and clothing is not allowed

  • All persons over the age of 18 wishing to participate in sporting activities at Heritage are expected to strictly comply with the Rules, Conduct and Behaviour in that they are expected to undress when the weather permits

A full copy (PDF format) is downloadable here or from the clubhouse office.

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