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Induction Agents
General Anesthesia
Regional Anesthesia
Malignant Hyperthermia
MAC (vol %) Vapor Press. Part.Coeff.
Structure similar to Isoflurane, the only difference is the substitution of a fluorine atom for isoflurane's chloride atom. At inhaled concentrations greater than 6%, the pungency of desflurane may cause irritation, with coughing, breath holding, or laryngospasm
The low solubility of desflurane in blood and body tissues causes a very rapid wash-in and wash-out of anesthetic. The rapid wake-up time is attributable to a blood/gas partition coefficient even lower nitrous oxide.
Characteristic features:
-High vapor pressure
-Ultrashort duration
-Moderate potency
Cardiovascular effects:
-Increasing dose = Decreased SVR
-CO relatively unchanged or slightly depressed at 1-2 MAC
-Moderate rise in HR, CVP, and PAP
-Rapid increases in concentrate lead to transient increases in HR, BP, and catechol. levels
-Not associated w/ increase in coronary blood flow
Respiratory effects:
-Causes a decrease in TV and increase in respiratory rate
-Overall decrease in alveolar ventilation, leads to rise in resting PaCO2
-Depresses ventilatory response to increasing PaCO2
Cerebral effects:
-Decreases cerebral vascular resistance, increases cerebral blood flow, and associated w/ increased ICP at normotension and normocapnia (decrease ICP by hyperventilation)