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Ben SiskoBenjamin Sisko

Ben was born in New Orleans on Earth in 2332. He father still lives there and runs a restaurant called "Sisko's". All the food served is prepared in a historic manner as Joseph (Bens father) is a traditional man.

In 2350 a young 18 year old called Benjamin Sisko enters Starfleet Academy. 4 years later he graduated and was awarded the rank of Ensign. Shortly afterward he was posted to the USS Livingston.

Years later Ben was assigned to the USS Okinawa, commanded by Captain Leyton. At this time in his career Bens main focus was in Engineering. But Leyton noticed great command pontential in him and promoted him to Lt Commander and the Okinawa's executive officer.

Sisko was an eager young man and so he embraced the opportunity to command.

Later Sisko was posted to the USS Saratoga. During his service aboard the Saratoga Ben suffered the loss of his wife Jennifer during the battle of Wolf 359. Ben and his son Jake only just managed to flee in an escape pod. Ben was dragged from his dead wifes body by a fellow crewmen. Jeniffer was trapped under a fallen bulk head. Even though she was dead Ben couldn't bare to leave her behind.

With the Saratoga destroyed Ben was assigned to the Utopia Planitia Shipyards orbiting Mars. After the devastating losses of Wolf 359 Starfleet realised it needed a new breed of ship. And so Ben was put to work on an experimental Battleship called the USS Defiant. A ship that wouldn't have any familys and no luxurys. Its soul purpose was to defeat the Borg.

After the occupation of the plant Bajor ended in 2369 the New Bajoran government asked Starfleet to administrate a former Cardassian space station, Empok Nor which orbited Bajor. Ben now promoted to full Commander was assigned the Command of the station and the task of preparing the Bajorans for entry into the Federation.

At first Ben was extremely unhappy with the posting due to his orders being conveyed by Captain Jean Luc Picard, the man who while assimilated lead the attack for the Borg at Wolf 359.

Immediatly after taking command of the Newly named "Deep Space Nine" Sisko discovered a stable wormhole leading to the Gamma quadrant. Inside the wormhole a race of aliens made contact with Sisko. The Bajoran people believe the aliens are the prophets of Bajoran religion. As Sisko was the first person to contact them they believe him to be "The Emissary of the Prophets". (The highest religious figure)

In 2370 the Maquis was formed and Sisko along with an old friend, Commander Calvin Hudson were assigned to investigate the un-provoked attacks that occurred. It turned out that un happy with the Federation / Cardassian treaty Hudson was in fact a key member of the Maquis.

In 2371 Sisko encounters the Maquis again when Thomas Riker (Will Rikers transporter duplicate) posses as Will and steals the Defiant with the intent of attacking a Cardassian outpost they believe is a staging point for a massive attack on the Maquis.

Other encounters with the Maquis include:

The stations "Starfleet" Security chief Commander Michael Edington, defecting to the Maquis.

Bens girlfriend Kassidy Yates being a Maquis sympathizer.

Nearing the end of 2370 Ben makes First Contact with the Dominion.

In 2372 the crew of the defiant join forces with the Dominion when a group of rebel Jem Hadar attack DS9 and then flee back through the wormhole.

All Bens encounters with the Dominion make him one of if not the most experienced Starfleet officer with concerns to the Dominion.

In 2373 Sisko discovers and recovers a crashed Jem Hadar attack vessel and delivers it back to Starfleet.

!!!!!!!!!!!To be continued !!!!!!!!!!!