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James Tiberius Kirk

James T Kirk Serial No. SC 937-0176 CEC

Born in 2233 in Iowa on Earth.

Through the years:

While still only 13 Kirk was 1 of only 9 surviving witnesses to a massacre of 4000 colonists on Tarsus IV.

In 2250 at the age of 17 he enters Starfleet Academy and proves to be an excellent and dedicated student. His reputation further increases when he becomes the first and only cadet ever to beat the Kobayashi Maru scenario. (A "No win" simulation designed to test the command skills and character of up and coming Command personnel). He passes the test by reprogramming the simulation, enabling him to rescue the ship. In reprogramming the computer (in effect cheating) he is awarded a commendation for Original thinking.

In 2254 he graduates from the academy and is assigned to the USS Farragut NCC 1647. Within a year Kirk is promoted to Lt and experiences his first shot at Command.

In 2257 Kirk is involved in an incident that leaves him scared for many years. While near Tycho IV, the Farragut encounters a dangerous Cloud creature. Kirk hesitates when ordered to fire upon the being and 200 people are killed in the creatures subsequent attack, including the Farraguts Captain.

At this point in his career kirk is involved in a number of relationships. One with Carol Marcus. This union results in Marcus having a baby boy. The relationship ends shortly afterwards and Marcus asks Kirk not to become involved in the child's up-brining. He respects her wishes and doesn't see David until he's fully grown.

Kirk's dedication to his career makes it almost impossible to form any lasting relationships.

In 2263, at the age of 31 Kirk is promoted to Captain and given the Command of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701, replacing Captain Christopher Pike. One year later the Enterprise begins her first 5 year mission.

Kirk excels as Captain. He's frequently decorated and his exploits become required reading at the Academy.

3 years into his 5 year mission Kirk becomes the first Starfleet caption to stand trial for murder. He's accused of murdering Ben Finney. During the trail it emerges that Finney is infact still alive and has faked his own death in an attempt to gain revenge on Kirk for an inccident that happened while they were both at the Academy. But with Finney being alive the case is dismissed and Kirk is exonerated.

In 2269 when the 5 year mission ends Kirk is promoted to Admiral. Dr McCoy, one of his closest friends advises him not to accept the promotioon as he thinks Kirk will never be happy sitting behind a desk and not captaining a Starship.

His new job is Chief of Starfleet Operations. 2 years later in 2271 Kirk once again takes up the reigns of the Enterprise when the Federation is threatened by Vger. When the threat ends Kirk begins another 5 year mission on board the Enterprise.

In 2281 Kirk retires from Starfleet and falls in love with a women called Antonia, who he met at his uncles farm in Idaho. They spend 3 years together but the relationship ends when in 2284 Kirk once again returns to Starfleet.

Its Clear that Kirk will only ever have one love.

His love for Starfleet and the Federation.