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BonesDr Leonard McCoy

Nickname: Bones

McCoy attended the University of Mississippi on Earth between the years of 2245 & 2253. While at the Uni a young McCoy had a breif romantic liason with a Trill called Emony Dax, whos on Earth Judging a gymnastics competition.

Before being assigned to the Enterprise McCoy had already spent some time in Starfleet.

In 2266 McCoy replaces Dr Mark Piper as Chief Medical Officer on the USS Enterprise NCC 1701. For a while at the start of his assignment he occasionally found it hard to get along with Captain Kirk. But in the long run they develop a close and lasting friendship.

In 2268, McCoy develops the disease xenopolycythemia and knows he only has one year to live. Not wanting the crew to know he asks Kirk to keep it a secret. Shortly after discovering his condition he's assigned to an away team that visits a ship resembling an asteroid. While there he meets a women who asks McCoy to be her mate. With an obvious attraction between the 2 of them McCoy accepts and resigns his commission. But Spock finds that the asteroid ship contains a vast database of medical knowledge including a cure for McCoy's illness. After returning to the Enterprise Spock cures McCoy and he returns to full active duty.

On completion of the ships 5 year mission in 2270 McCoy retires from Starfleet and opens a private practice.

18 months into his Starfleet retirement he's recalled into Starfleet when Admiral Nogura uses a seldom uses, little known reserve activation clause in response to the VGer incident. McCoy once again serves on the Enterprise under Captain Kirk, whom requested McCoy be recalled to duty. After the VGer crisis has ended McCoy chooses to stay in Starfleet and embarks on another 5 year mission on board the Enterprise.

In 2285, McCoy is working for Starfleet Academy along with the senior crew of the Enterprise, when Khan Noonien Singh hijacks the USS Reliant and then attacks the science station on Regular One. Khan steals the Genesis device and the Enterprise is sent to investigate. During the mission Spock is killed. But before he dies Spock mind melds with McCoy and places his Katra in the doctors subconscious. Shortly afterwards McCoy begins to act erratically unable to distinguish his personality from that of Spock's. His behaviour results in him being arrested. On the verge of being transferred to a mental institution, Kirk, Scotty, Sulu, Chekov and Uhura break him out and then steal the Enterprise so they can rescue Spock's resurrected from the Genesis planet and take McCoy and Spock to Vulcan to return Spock's Katra to his own body. Back to normal McCoy returns to Earth with the others to stand trial for stealing the Enterprise. But due to their saving the Earth from the cetacean probe all charges but one are dropped. This charge though is directed at Kirk only. Immediately after the hearing the officers are assigned to a new ship the new USS Enterprise NCC 1701 A.

In 2293 the Enterprise is assigned to escort a Klingon delegation to Earth for peace talks. But Kronos One (The Klingon's ship) is attacked and McCoy and Kirk beam over to render medical assistance. But they are arrested and charge with the assassination of the Klingon Chancellor. The 2 officers are found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment in the dilithium mines on Rura Penthe, or as its more commonly known "The Aliens Graveyard".

Thanks to Mr Spock Kirk and McCoy are rescued and they then uncover the true assassins.

McCoy is due to retire but stays in Starfleet for nearly a century longer. He rises to the rank of Admiral and in 2364 he comes on board the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 D to inspect the medical facilities.

Even knowing the advances in transporter technology over the past century McCoy still doesn't use them. He insists on travelling in shuttles. On the Enterprise D he has Data as his escort and he notes that It's a new ship but she's got the right name. As Data is taking him to the shuttle, McCoy tells Data

"You treat her like a lady and she'll always bring you home".

Showing that even he has a special place in his heart for any ship named Enterprise.