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Montgomery Scott

Service Number: SE19754.T.

Nickname: Scotty.

Most Starfleet officers seem to have a knack for whatever field they work. This couldn't be anymore true in the case of Scotty. Once while speaking to Captain Picard he notes that he could tell what speed the ship was travelling at just by placing his hands on the deck plates.

Scottys first posting was as an Engineering advisor on an asteroid freight run. This was some time before 2265.

In 2265 Scotty is made Chief Engineer of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701. From his first day on duty Scotty shows great affection for his new ship. On one occasion while on Deep Space Station K-7 he stops Chekov from having a fight with some Klingons after they insult the Captain but when the Klingon insults the Enterprise by saying she should be hauled off for scrap. Scotty takes great offence and starts a fight himself!

In 2270 Scotty supervises a major refit of the Enterprise under Captain Decker. But before the ship is fully finished Admiral Kirk takes command and the ship is sent off on the VGER mission.

In 2285 Scotty is transferred to the New state of the art USS Excelsior. Even though the Excelsior is far more advanced that the Enterprise Scotty isn't happy with his new assignment. When one of the Excelsiors turbo lifts asks him what floor he wants, Scotty replies by angrily saying:

"Transporter room, UP YOUR SHAFT"

Scotts anger comes from not only being transferred but also because the Enterprise, the ship he loves is being decommissioned. When discovers that they might be able to bring Spock back from the dead Scotty Sabotages the Excelsiors New transwarp Engines and joins Kirk in the search to recover Spocks body. Scotty skilfully removes 3 components from the Excelsiors main transwarp computer drive, rendering the engines useless. And with no other ship in the area the Enterprise is free to leave the system and travel to the Genesis planet.

Scotty decides to retire after 52 years of service and travels to the Norpin Colony. But on the way the USS Jenolen, comes across a Dyson sphere and while investigating, the Jenolen crashes on the spheres surface. Scotty and a crewmen called Matt Franklin are the only ones to survive the crash. Realising they don't have enough supplies to survive until rescue, they devise a way of keeping their bodies suspended in the transporter system. When the 2 men went in Scotty had no idea that it would be another 75 years until he saw another person!