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Sunday, 10/28/01 (10:50pm)
I just chilled out today. Lah de lah. So bored. Studied a lot for math, and i have a feeling that all these numbers and triangles are gonna haunt me with their angles. Yes... i'm weird... but this ALWAYS happens before i have a math test... like the night before i have a math test. *UGH*. Ballet was cool yesterday. I broke into my new pointe shoes... and i can tell you ONE thing... FREED STUDIOS IS THE COOLEST PAIR OF POINTE SHOES I'VE EVER TRIED OUT! I love 'em so much *muah*. I'm so happy! Ms. Hayward said that i'm catching up with all the 'Advanced' exercises... which is good... cuz i'm taking my Intermediate exam.. and Advanced is like after Intermediate.=*). WOHOO! I got this box today for all my ballet make up stuff and it's this pretty clear box. =*). Yes, as you can see, i have been craving for that box for AGES. La lalalala. Daylight Saving ended early this morning..and the sun has gone kinda weird on California today. The sun setted at like 5pm today! WHOA! That's craziness. ahahah CIS hasta go back to school today... (their monday)... and i heard them tell me that they were on their Mid-Term break like 100000000000000000000000000000000 times. yes... it gets REALLy annoying. I wanna watch
'Serendipity' and 'Thirteen Doors'... *ugH* but i don't even have time for myself so i can just totally dream on about it. LOL. I just got reminded that Robby's name is spelt "Robby" and not "Robbie". lol. ahahahahha. That's funni. Stupid me. Lalalala. I love singing. ANyway, cyah tomorrow!!!

Friday, 10/26/01 (5:18pm)
*ugh* this week of school has been really stressing. I barely survived thru it. Lets talk about TODAY. Barely got outta bed cuz it was so freezing cold.... i've been eating a lot for breakfast lately! Probably cuz it's been really cold. WOOHOO! DAYLIGHT SAVING ENDS THIS SUNDAY! Goodie. I can catch up with some sleep and wake up the next morning looking like it's actually MORNING! Anyway, rushed to school in a jiffy.. *UGH* went to French class half asleep. I really don't get the point why we hafta learn the "l'imparfait" when we've learnt the "passe compose with avoir/etre". *UGH* this is really starting to get on my nerves you noe. English class was hell. I had to write my final draft for the ERB exam. Watever. I still had like so many mistakes in my final draft. After that was brunch. Printed out my debate for US Government, and walked to class. I dunno if it's me... but some people have changed a lot. Talk more about it later. Government class was COOl cuz then i didn't hafta debate today =) Spent prep doing math homework (omg...). The whole entire thing about Proofs and stuff isn't making sense to me. "Prove that ABCD is a rectangle"... you don't HAFTA prove it damn it... we can all friggin' tell that it IS a rectangle... it LOOKS like a rectangle. Living skills was cool... we had 2 people come in and talk to us. Wow... they're funni. I'm serious... especially the guy.. he's Derrick and he's in rehab from drugs and alcohol. You should've been in that class cuz it was totally uncensored... LOL =*). Chemistry was boring... counting beans and *ahem* SPILLING them. Well i didn't... but someone did. WHOA! Luke and Alex were trying to copy my stuff! Meanies. But they're cool... and i'm glad they are cuz they work on the same bench as i do =). WE HAD A STUDY PARTY IN MATH TODAY AND WE HAD LOADS OF FOOD FOOD FOOD! Yes, i pretty much dived for the BROWNIES! Nolan was shoving over for the KIT KATS *the eyes glare evily*. I hate it when he starts moving his hand around when i'm looking at the board, cuz it ruins my vision! Like i don't need to wear my lovely glasses when i look at far stuff... but since he waves his hand ALL the time... it ruins my vision by covering my left eye and making my poor visioned right eye do all the looking. he's mean! A*i is so annoying. I'm serious. He's a guy and he acts so much more preppy than me. He's annoying because he keeps asking questions that are totally useless. And he always tries to copy my homework... but of course... every single time he fails to do so! He keeps braggin how he has many tutors. He says he has tutors at school... personal tutors... and having college people as his tutors. Geez. Watever. He's not smart at all in the class.. and today he was like.. "OMG! I neva get a 5 outta 5 for ANY of my math assignments *pouts*". OMG. He's just annoying. J*e*f thinks he's stupid. That's MEAN... but now i DO think so too. He just gets on my nerves.
Okay. I really don't noe if it's me... or is it that EVERYONE except for M*g*i* and S*e*h*n*e has changed. I dunno. I really can't take the fact that everyone's just trying to be so popular at school. I don't see the point. I noe ONE person that is trying to be all popular and stuff and trying to fit into the AzN PRiDe group... but i totally think she wouldn't make it. I think that i would have twice the chance than she does to make it in.. but i won't risk it. Skimpy clothes... ew. I can't take it. My closet has loads of clothes... and i mix and match it till the picture is RIGHT. I'm not like those AP people who wear anything that is as short as hell. I dunno. *UGH*. Well all of them have nothing but their reputation to fight for... but for me... i've got ballet... so i don't really give a damn on what's going on out there.
How can you guys go out there in shorts and tees at 7:30am in the morning in the cold not-even 50degrees F? Well i don't understand it. NVM
I've run outta stuff to talk about. Wait. Oh yeah, I'm going to the "Youth Grand Prix". And i got a letter from the 'Kirov Academy' telling me that i'm automatically accepted to their summer intensive 2002! WOW! That summer school needs people to pass their audition FIRST.. but i don't need to this year! GEE! That's nice =).

Thursday, 10/18/01 (10:29pm)
OH MY. I haven't updated this place FOREVER! This is the whole story. Last Monday night i had a really bad flu, and i threw up 9 times. Yeah... 7-up. O wellie. Then on Tuesday i couldn't get outta bed... on Wednesday i went to school but had the stomach flu... Thursday i went to ballet to have my last rehearsal for my competition in NY that weekend. Friday i flew to New York and met up with my dad and cousins. Saturday i went shopping around for papa's house stuff and went to the Roosevelt Field mall. Dang, i should've brought my piece of plastic with me... I WANTED TO BUY THINGS SO BADLY. Anyway, Sunday was the big day --> the COMPETITION. Yes.... i was VERY nervous... nervous to the point in which i was shaking on stage. Those girls that i was competiting with were so 'commercial'. Like they worship every single model that works for "Corps de Natalie" in discount dance mag. WATEVER. I got runner up... didn't say specifically whether i got 2nd or 3rd. O well. The judges said i had amazing technique... UH HUH. THEN WHY DIDN'T THEY GIMME THE GOLD DAMN IT. One of the girls that got the gold had such bad technique that i wouldn't take my hands off my eyes!
ANYWAY, this week has been a really hectic week. Didn't get back till Monday, finished up all work to be due that night, went to school Tuesday being flooded with tons of work. Damn it. Then getting a call from school saying that i was absent on Monday in periods 2, 3, and 5. WAT THE HELL?!?!??!?!?!?!?!@*#(&@*(# I wrote a letter to school saying that i was gonna be in NY from Friday to Monday. Stupid Americans. Yes. Hectic week. I'm getting back into the flow now.
I started the day off not knowing what i was doing but shoving myself with 2 eggo waffers and an egg. Yes, eating does help keep you focused and awake in class. Blabbed on in class about Lord of the Flies. I think that's an interesting book. Yeah watever. Ahahaha!!! Today during brunch, i was using my new handsfree thingy with my Nokia fone (I GOT IT BACKKK! IT'S AS GOOD AS NEW NOW). Stephanie thought i was talking to her and it was so funni! When i talked facing no one, people that i was crazy or sth talking to myself. lol =). Maggie loves her plain French Bread that she got from T+C. It's funni watching her munch it. OH MY GOSH! Those one dollar chocolate bars are pulling me towards them like a magnet! I bought a caramel one yesterday and it was soooooooo good. I'm serious, all of you should go get some cuz they're yummmmmmyyyy =*). Saw Robbie today during lunch, and he was waiting for his FRIENDS. Yeah... "cool" in quotations friends. Watever. He's a lot different from what i thought he was when i first met him. He's a lot more 'down-to-earth' now i guess. Last year when i first knew him he freaked me out cuz he was so bubble-ey. Yes... hyper. O well. Bleh. Ballet was cool today... we got stuck on the 92 cuz something went wrong, and everyone had to make a detour cuz a helicopter was gonna land!!!! WHOA. I managed to turn a few perfect pirouettes landing in attitude, and a few landing in arabasque. Interesting. I wonder how my ballet chikas are doing in Hong Kong. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELIZE!!!
I'M SO TIRED. Hey Max suP? i'm tireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed. I don't like the fact that someone's huffing and puffing ya noe... it's just an ANNOYANCE. yes, me and my high metabolism talks. I'm so tired. Sometimes, people just piss me off because of the way they act to use other people.