

Caption Comments: Here's Angel_Noir workin' his magic. I laugh out loud at this everytime I see it. Classic.

Capper Comments: For those of you who don't know the story, Angel_Noir says he was a newbie when somebody (okay, it was me) said hello to him in the gallery. Then, he felt like he belonged. Well, lemme just say that him blaming me for his induction makes me feel really important, and, well, thanks Angel!

And dangit- he's freakin' funny!

"What's that booze? You bought me a present? Lets see...Hey! More booze! Thanks booze!"

Caption Comments: Angel_Noir is always whining that early on no one ever put him in their galleries, but I did, little cry baby! Sheesh! Guess my gallery doesn't count, Humph! May Christian Slater only be able to get acting gigs in Dinner Theater where he's forced to fight with a cracked up Daniel Baldwin over which one's the "headliner"!

Capper Comments: All kidding aside, Angel_Noir is the funniest capper I know who worships Christian Slater, unless of course some of the other cappers I know worship Christian Slater and they just have the decency or the appropriate level of humility about it to keep it quiet. Seriously though, Angel_Noir is very funny... would we put up with the Slater worship if he wasn't? 

 "Well I've never heard of a 'Naughty Parts Inspector', but your ID checks out!" 

Caption Comments: A mix between a thinking man's cap, and a cap that stares you right in the face.  This is the goods.

Capper Comments: Of all the folks I've left comments about, Angel was the hardest to pick just one caption for.  The man is just so consistently funny, there's so many to choose from.  Whether it's threads or orignal stuff, Angel_Noir can do it all.

The thrilling story of one Muslim cell phone's fight for equality! 

Caption Comments: I liked this caption so much I sent it in to Omniknight for the MVSQC award.  It is so deep on many levels.

Capper Comments: My goodness is this a funny guy. When collecting captions, I find that his captions are finding their way into the galleries a an unusually high frequency. I can't ignore a funny cap, and he has plenty.

"There's something on the wing!" "We're in a sub." "I was looking at that maxi-pad box."

Caption Comments: Sick bastard

Capper Comments: Creativity with a good heaping shovelful of from-the-hip capping and an occasional smattering of thread-melding, he absolutley 'gleams' it!  Oh shit, there, I said it, what a 'very bad thing' to say... D'OH!

In all honesty, regarding his capping, he should be lead away in 'kuffs'....FEH!

Pump on!

Remember when Tampax commercials weren't directed by John Woo?

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