

Caption Comments: If anyone knew miss clover half as well as I do, then they'd realise that this is not her usual style of cap.  Heheheh, hell, the lady even rarely 'cusses'.  This is why this one was a real knee slapper for me. 

Capper Comments: A very special lady who doesn't give herself enough credit.  Damnit, yer funny.  And I ain't the only one who thinks so.  Just ask all the Pashas and groupies. 
Very funny, very friendly, from what I've seen on the CT Board, everyone who's anyone makes an effort to greet miss clover. 


Caption Comments: G.I. Joe better watch himself.... 

Capper Comments:  clover is a terrific capper! She always creates a Caption Masterpiece. Bravo!

Mattel introduces Whorin' Bitch Barbie, complete with Kung Fu grip. (I dunno.) 

Caption Comments: Sure as hell looks like Abby Road to me... 

Capper Comments:  An extremely talented individual, 
who, as yet, refuses to to display her abilities. 
There are other uses for cattle prods ya' know. 
Post that page damn it.... 
Just kiddin', 
always a pleasure

Ringo Starr attempts to revive his career by becoming the new Maytag Repairman of Abbey Road.

Caption Comments: And I usta think she was cute and never offended anybody. This cap changed all of that. 

Capper Comments: clover is an underated little secret. She comes off so friendly and polite (and she is) but then, you catch her posting caps like these and you start to wonder if, somewhere under that exterior, lies something darker. I dig capping with her because she always makes me laugh and is just plain fun to be around. Plus, she never complains when I do one of my captions about something offensive like a dead grandmother. In fact, she ENCOURAGES it. And that, in and of itself, has to say something.

Did I ever tell you about the dream where I ride you like a viking, Tom?

Caption Comments: This grab gave me the biggest laugh in my Caption This career, so naturally I couldn't think of a good grab, but of course clover captioned it perfectly, like she always does :) 

Capper Comments: I must agree with all the cappers, behind the friendly and fun-to-cap-with exterior of this woman lies a captioning brain so highly explosive you don't know what you're gonna see next! And what you see is always funny cause its unexpected! :) She's got a style that is often imitated, never duplicated :) If I'm the Master of Obscurity in caps, clover is the Queen of Cap Excitment (or something like that :)

It's the new dance craze....The Excrutiating Testicle Pain! Come on! Get into it!

Caption Comments: They say that the funniest jokes are always those with a hint of the truth... or is that a hint of oregano? Although the nominees, not to mention the categories haven't even been announced yet, I'm going out an a limb and saying this is a early front-runner for a Demmy. Real early, since I think this one would be eligible for the 2000 awards. Still, damn funny!

Capper Comments: clover is bright, funny, and friendly, she takes the cake... Literally. It was for Art's stag party, there was a stripper inside and everything... she never mentioned anything odd about it. I can only hope she hasn't acquired a taste for human flesh.

Damn you! You know she can't do math in her head!

Caption Comments: It was, to me. A hit in the head. I must of saw "Lambs" 5 or 6 times, and that quote didn't stick. Then on MST3K, they used the quote again. I still didn't get it. Then I read it when clover used it as a caption. I couldn't catch my breath.

Capper Comments: clover is pure thinker. With use of color and old stereotypes. clover has bested the self-proclaimed King cappers. clover can be coy. But that part of clover's charm.

It's rubs the lotion on it's body, or it gets the hose again.

Caption Comments: Amazingly enough, my grandads favorite pickup line.

Man got laid like you wouldn't believe.

Capper Comments: Clover's use of 'inside' references strikes a special chord during those wee hours...

Being reminded of Pumpkinhead tends to shake things up...

And Buttafucco...

'thee' Buttafucco...


...and with this coin brothers, shall I go forth and bed the finest whore in town.

Caption Comments: Aren't we all, clo, aren't we all...

Capper Comments: One of the expert Left Coast cappers. I don't recall when I first met clover, but it seems a long time ago. I just know that she's super, and that the enjoyment quotient of Caption This! rockets skyward when she's in the gallery.

Personally, I was expecting more car chases, and gratuitous sex...

Capper Comments: Funny and timely with a flare. Clover is a great capper and a good source of material. Oh yeah, I'm checkin' ya out!


Caption Comments: How can I choose only one of Clovers captions?
Each and every one is a masterpiece, as I build my next Grand Masters Caption Page, you gotta know
that Clover will have a place of honor.

Capper Comments: Clover always makes me smile, even lately when it's been hard for me to laugh. She can turn a lame screengrab into a riot. Maybe, if I send her enough money, she will be my mentor.
Keep up the good work my Pudding Queen and Caption Goddess

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