

Capper Comments: Generik deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his CapThis ambassadorship. Plus, he's a fun fellow to have a beer with...

"No, no! Make the frog move into the second lane!" "Captain! There's a truck coming! Can't you see it?" "Sulu! Obey my command!!" 

Caption Comments: Take something we see everyday, add an idea that, after we read it, it seems so damn obvious, then laugh and wonder how the hell we missed it before.
This is the Caption This works of Generik.

Capper Comments: Gen is always funny on the CT.  Sure he starts up the odd mass E mailings, but hey, for the most part they're pretty fun.  And if someone doesn't want to read them, that's what the delete button's for.  But Gen also sent me a hard copy of his survey while I was M.I.A. for about 6 months.  I really appreciated being kept in touch with the Caption This world like that.  Thanks Gen!

So tell me again, lieutenant... why would you even buy something that takes 2000 flushes to get rid of in the first place? 

Caption Comments: Genius, pure genius!

Capper Comments: Generik always cracks me up! He never goes too far, and never falls behind! He rocks!

Blow me. I'm clean. Honest.

Caption Comments: I'm keeping my fingers crossed that James Doohan isn't wearing a Versace lycra thong under those fantabulous knickers...

Capper Comments: He beats the leading brand in national taste tests!  3 outta 4 surveyed proclaimed "Eureka! Sweet!".

He saves you money!  Why pay for greasy chips when Generik leaves you clean!



Set phasers to stunning! Scotty and Uhura make a lovely couple, in this matching expendable crew member outfit!

Caption Comments: Animal cruelty! You gotta love it! Sure, it's not his best (Gen does his best at Trek), but it's pretty darn funny anyway!

Capper Comments: I don't get to cap with Gen often, but when I do it's a blast! He's got a knack for chipping away at Trek captions that just makes me howl! What can I say, the guy's a genius when it comes to the CT arena, and when the subject in question is Trek, watch out!

Tragedy ensued when the Anderson family's dog spotted the paper from the third floor balcony and decided to "fetch."

Caption Comments: Enough to put you off wine forever...

Capper Comments: Generik funny. Make laugh. 'nuf said.

Welcome to another episode of "My Analysis, Urinalysis." Sponsored by Gallo.

Caption Comments: Gen is a sharp as a lazer in capping. What Gen does is like watch a train wreak. You know someone is getting hurt but you dar not turn away.

Capper Comments: When you start to read one of his caps, You can't stop to catch your breath. And then the hammer drops when the samething sometimes the hook goes in too deep.


Capper Comments: (I'm not here, I'm just hiding from Generik's e-mails.) Just kidding!


Capper Comments: Always good for a laugh, and writes a mean (as in good) Joe DiMaggio story.  Too bad I can't make Tijuana on Easter Sunday.  He'll know what that means.


Capper Comments: Gen, it takes a special kind of wit and worldliness to create the masterpieces you do on Cap This!  You're "special!"  Awww.  I wanna be like you when I grow up.  Well, maybe just the good-capping part....


Capper Comments: ran into this guy by accident once and haven't shaken him since. Sarcasm and biting humour rolls off of him like water.

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