

Caption Comments: Nuthin' "beats" a good masterbation cap...

Capper Comments: Neok's seems a bit obsessed with female genatalia,
Nuthin' wrong with that. So am I....
If I had female genatalia, I'd probably spend a lot more time at home in bed.
Keep it up Neok,
I like it

"So, Cleopatra says, 'Not now, I'm on my pyramid!'" Tim, we're taping Sightings here. "Shut up. I hate hecklers..."

Caption Comments: well, not that I know or anything... ehem, but I have heard that this is what I look like, I MEAN OTHER PEOPLE.. look like when umm.  well I think it's really funny!!  Nicely captures the sense of urgency!  and NEED!!! 

Capper Comments: Neo always makes me laugh, but when he is ON he is milk spitting out of your nose funny!  and I like that he doesn't normally go for the gross one which I think is great!  and he is fun to talk to and just a great guy in general!  I am always happy to see Neo on! 

"Got-any-downers-on-ya? Huh? Huh? Got-any-downers-on-ya??"

Caption Comments: Khan's almost as smooth as Kirk. Almost.

Capper Comments: Neoknight can always bring a tear to my eye from laughing so hard at his caps. He's original and very creative with his caps.


Caption Comments: About friggin' time we found out what the red shirted women folk were doing!  Ya know, if they show more stuff like that, maybe this SciFi 2.0 ain't so bad afterall...

Capper Comments: Neo's been around for a while and knows how to get some funny out of a picture.  Seems that he comes and goes in spurts.  He'll be there nightly for a couple weeks, then you won't see him for a few more.  Damn real life stuff gettin' in the way o' cappin'.  Dangnabbit I hates when that happens to me!

"So, all the red-shirted males get killed, do they? what do the red-shirted females get?" *cue porn music*

Capper Comments: What I love most about Neoknight on, I know this one. Hang on, let me check the script he typed up for me. I mean, collect my thoughts. Let me collect my thoughts. I love Neoknight's tireless efforts to bring a sense of class and refinement to Caption This! and his unerring knack for...oh screw it. Sometimes he's funny, sometimes he's not. More often than not, he is. Maybe not in that laugh-out-loud, shoot-milk-from-your-nostrils sort of way that some people have. But there's just something about how he uses the word "porn" in a cap that makes me go all weak in the crotch.
I mean knees. Weak in the knees. Now, I feel dirty, but I think I'll leave this as is anyway. Good capping, Neo. See you on the flipside.


Capper Comments: Old Neoknight is very funny with the caps.
It's allmost like he has the written out before he sends them. He may not be as not as rakious as the others(like me) That what makes Neoknight stands out there on the CT.


Capper Comments: It's not that you're not funny or I don't like you, I just don't get to cap with you that often.  There are very few cappers I don't care for, but you're not one of them.  Don't fret none, Virginia, you'll be in my gallery one day.  Ooo, I say that like it's a _good_ thing...


Capper Comments: I met Neo when I met animebabe, actually! :) Funny part is, he mentioned an anime club he had, and a few hours later, there's an anime club at the place I went to! :) Heh! Anyway, don't see him much anymore, but he caps pretty dang good...when I do get to see him of course :)

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