Indiana , Radical Shouting pro Labor, Hell Raising page.
Humble advice **************************
The opinions on
this page do not
represent any labor
organizations opinion or
any position of a state
agency. nor
therepublicrats.These are
my opinions.
William P
Member of the
Right Wing

An old professor of mine
at Indinana State
University used to make
the satatement that
Indianas number one export
is people. If students
were expecting a bright
future they should plan to
leave Indiana Well thigs are changing in Indiana.For state employees the last ten years have brought big changes.The first major change was to get rid of the republican governor.Governor Evan Bayh sighned executive order 90-6 whcih gave state employees limited collective bargaining. We made some big stride but then the Rapist of Indy,Greedsmith had sld out about all the city employees he could and set his eyes on privatizing the whole state.INDIANA FOR SALE! Much to the chagrin of the Republicans Governor Obannon was elected.I am sure that city employyes and their families who got ram roded into the unemployment line,state employees about to get raped and labor across the state had much to do wih this victory We have made more big strides in pay and negotiations under his administration. Our future is tied to our solidarity in supporting our union and to the ballot box. WIll we in Indiana take a giant step back with a GOP administration or will we continue to mover forward under OBannon.I do not like either of the major political parties.But we know ( unless were brain dead or have been under a rock) Indiana republicans are our worst enemy.They have proven it in the past. How can we trust them now.
The media and political
pundits are making every
effort to convince us that the
economy is so good. Ask folks
in Texas where its good they
may say Chicago. Chicago folks
may think it in Atlanta. But
the question remains where is
the economy so good?The Reagan
recovery is continuing. This
recovery has produced millions
of jobs and created vast
wealth. This recovery is known
by the term McJobs.This has
been underway for over a
decade. The idea is to close
down factories mills and mines
and open up fast food places
and temporary help
agencies.How stupid do they
think we are??? The working
mans wages are going down or
at best stagnant. Things are
so bad many people in their
30s and 40s are working full
time and making less than
retirees. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ An old union miners responce to the idea we have to give up our guns or our jobs. OH YAH??? ------------>
The Good Economy Bull
Support those who support us!! So what do we need for an agenda for the 2000 election. 1.Good jobs.Good union jobs making American products and building a future for American generations to come. How do we do this? Support candidates that support workers and American Families. Push to end NAFTA and Gatt Push to remove the U.S. from the WTO Push to remove the US from the UN Push to remove the UN from the US. Buy Union Made.IF this is impossible buy American products from non union shops. If that is impossible,seriously consider if you really need the product. Al the Bore Gore wants to continue the job he and Bill Clinton Started.Lets see what Clinton has done. The chinese have a
port for their war ships
in california, they
control both sides of the
Panama canal, Gorbachev
has the presidio, we sent
most of the good jobs to
mexico HMM??
Too bad we don't have a time machine where we could tavel into the past and ask and old Molly Mguire or a member who was there when the U.M.W.A. was started about the idea that we should give up our guns. I don't think so! Labor needs
to quit being a lap dog
for democrats. Clintons
NAFTA sell out should
prove that. The
republican and democrat
partys have nothing in
store that is good for
working Americans.

Consider the travel
office employees who were
told without warning to pack up, your fired. Many having been there 15 or 20 years. There belongings were put in vans and they were dumped off in a park area. So the Clintons could
bring in their cronies. Is this pro labor? Products coming from overseas must
have tarrifs places
against them in proportion to labor rates. This removes the profit motive for the greedy who are selling America out for the proverbial thirty pieces of silver. We need to restore our manufacturing base. During the gulf war Bush had to expidite orders for imported good because we do not produce the needed goods to fight a war regardless if it's high tech or with swords.Japan produces the electronics we need. Where will we build our needs if a world war broke out? Suppose Clintons friends in Bejing make good on their threat to attack Taiwan. We have no manufacturing base to gear up.Our millitary strength has been decimated by base closings and many divisions and air wings being deactivated. It should be abundantly clear if Gore wants to finish the job,it should not take too much. If we don't change cource there will be no more America to save!

Coalition for corrections reform
Check out what is being done in Michigan

The Buchanan Brigade
What other pres condidate did you see wearing a UAW cap??

Millitary Veterans
By the time we got home, the draft dodgers and drop outs had all the good jobs!!America thumbs its nose at its'vets yet again!

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[email protected]

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