A Tribute to Millitary Vetrans,& The Hanoi Jane Urinal Target
American Veteran

I feel a debt of gratitude for our veterans who have answered the call of duty and given us the freedoms that we have.Im proud to have had family in every war back to the revolution. I served a total of 13 years in the active army and army national guard.We must demand the return of our POWs and decent treatment of vets.I have included a page on my Great Grandfather Sgt Horatio L Birdsall (above picture)who won the meadal of honor.He is Buried at Arlington National Cemetery.I included a link to one of my favorite veterans page, Shotgun Jack,Enjoy

A dollar back for every dime invested
Yours truely pictured above
Sgt W.P. Birdsall
Co B 1-152 Inf
on 1 Aug 1989
40th Birtday in the field.

I have recieved much for my 5 years active and 1 year reserve and 7 years National Guard.. I and my family lived in Europe and made friends we still correspond with 25 years later. We saw much of the country, Germany France Austria.An education for a young man is more than school. Getting away from home in a land overseas is a valuable education and an experiance to last a life time.I then recieved a four year college education through the GI Bill.Ive recieved a dollar for every dime invested.

Shoes I can not fill

My Father and my uncles served in WWII. Our grandfaters and great grandfathers served in every conflict back to the revolution.I can not fill the shoes of those so illustrious as to win the meadal of honor or to serve in some grand way. Yet I and those of my comrads in arms served when and where we were called to serve.The legacy of our forfathers is alive and well in the hearts of patriots all over this land who are commited to preserve and restore all they sacrificed for.We simply can not and must not turn our backs on them, on our freedom,and on our future. The freedom of this nation, I believe, is facing the greatest peril in it's history today.
DEATH TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER!! WE SHALL PREVAIL! WE MUST!!! What other choice do we have? There is no compromise. We must either be the victor or submit.

Favourite Links

Sgt Horatio L Birdsall
3rd Iowa Cav

Shotgun Jack
Welcome Home brother

Pat riot radio
Click for page 4

Email me on:
KA9D [email protected]

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