Masonry, Birdsalls poor wayfaring man of grief page.
Free Masonry Faith in God
Free masonry is a much maligned order. We are a fraternity of men all believing in God. We are commanded to diligently study the word of God and remain true to the faith of out acceptance.As ancient temple builders set about to build magnificent structures so we as free masons seek to build character and morality.We band together to aid the widow and orphan.The shrine and scottish rite hospitals are an example of the desire to respond to Gods' love for us by extending our hands to help others.-------------------------Those who Judge a thing they do not know of become judges of evil thoughtIntolerant evil men under the guise of doing good have brought much misery pain and death throughout history. much of this in the name of religion.From the ,genocide in europe going on to the
armenian holocost of years ago.The inquisition or the persecution of mormons,catholics,and jews in America. Much death and destruction has come out of secterian religion. Anti masons and now todays hate preachers whos message is hate under the pretence of exposes, evil men drawn by the lure of money, continue persecution and stir the fires of hatred,violence, and death.
The primary dogma of masonry is faith in God.He who trusts in the arm of flesh will be disapointed. He who trusts his own wisdom will be brought to distruction. Only the faith and obedience to God is true wisdom.-------------------------

Service to others.
Jesus Said" Lay not up for yourselves trasure on earth where moth and rust doth corrupt,and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heavn." Matt 6; 19-20 How do we lay up treasures in heaven. Jesus spoke of service to others as personal service rendered to him.Those about him said when did we do these things for you?Jesus replied" inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my bretheran,ye have done it unto me" Matt25;40"when ye are in the service of your fellow beings,ye are only in the service of your God."Mosiah 2;17 The Book of Mormon

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