Birdsalls LDS Isshinryu Karate, 2nd Amendment, Masonry, labor and whatever else page
To Introduce Ourselves

We are Bill and Eva Birdsall Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.We are from the Chicago area and moved here to southern Indiana in 1977.Eva works in home health care,Bill works as a Correctional officer.At Church Eva is the Linton Ward Librarian.Bill is a home teacher. Together we are members of the Columbian Chapter OES and the American Okinawan Karate Associates. Bill is a member of Linton Lodge 560 F&AM,Valley of Terre Haute AASR, Zorah Temple AAONMS Also a life member of the NRA a member of the Law Enforcement Alliance of America, Linton Lodge 105 F.O.P. and American Legion post 22 Bill is also an extra class ham operator active in RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services) and SKY Warn as a weather spotter.

American Okinawan Karate Associates. our Karate Roots
Bill began training at the Academy of Martial Arts in Aurora Illinois while in 4th grade. about 1960.The School was headed up by Sensei James Chapman, Sensei Doug Noxon, and Mr Bob Corwin. In those days the kids were not allowed to even watch a Karate Class but started in Judo.This was in about 1959 or 1960.Upon return from active duty military service Eva and Bill returned to the Successor Dojo Fox Gardens at Aurora Ill and studied under Mas Jesse Gallegos.We remain loyal students of Master Gallegos. Sensei Gallegos passed away in Jan 1995. In 1977 Bill and Eva moved to Southern Indiana and introduced Isshiryu to the Greene county area.Bill continued persuing his education graduating from Indiana State in 1979,the famous year of Larry Bird and the Sycamores.Not as active as we were years ago we are still followers and suporters of Isshinryu. It's truely a life long persuit.Check our page and Links dedicated to Isshinryu below. William & Eva
Birdsall Ku-Dan Isshinryu Karate

����������Dec. 21 Neal Knox Update -- President Clinton told Dan Rather Monday night that NRA and the gun issue cost Al Gore "at least five states I can think of." ����������That's almost certainly true, but Clinton brought it up as a way of dodging Rather's question as to whether "some of your failures -- policy as well as personal failures in the White House -- had an impact on Al Gore's losing?" ����������So blaming the loss on his policies, and not his dalliance with Monica, and pointing at the much-hated NRA, diverted Rather quite neatly. ����������Clinton paid the supreme compliment to NRA: "They probably had more to do than anyone else in the fact we didn't win the House (of Representatives) this time. And they hurt Al Gore." THE ARMED CITIZEN The founding fathers recognized that we were endowed by our creator with rights. These rights come from Him and government has neither the power to grant or deny these rights.The second amendment outlines the right of the PEOPLE to keep [own] and bear [carry] arms. The State constitution states that this right is for the protection of 'Themselves and the State.In a legal doccument a term means the same thing throughout.Try substitution of National Guard for people elsewhere in the constitution and you'll see the folly of this argument. The founding fathers left behind numerous doccuments to define "Militia" It is the whole of the people.The states constitution plainly states that this is for the protection of the people and the state. Thus falls the sporting purposes argument.If gun control laws could stop murder and violence then stealing must have ended generations ago.They outlawed it exept for the government ------------------------- An armed people are a free people. "The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they opress." F. Douglas I think those limits and our endurance has long ago been broken.

I feel a debt of gratitude for our veterans who have answered the call of duty and given us the freedoms that we have.Im proud to have had family in every war back to the revolution. I served a total of 13 years in the active army and army national guard.We must demand the return of our POWs and decent treatment of vets.
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Birdsalls' Isshinryu Karate Page
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KA9DHZ ham and patriot radio page. Masonry Page
Neal Boortz,The Black Avenger, and Stan the Man Solomon rule.

Labor and Millitary Veterans Tribute
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