Birdsalls,Ham,Talk and Patriot Radio Page
Amateur Radio I am a extra class amateur radio operator KA9DHZ. Im a member of ARRL and our local Races organization. RACES provides emergency communication services during disasters.
I am also involved with skywarn as a weather spotter.
I have had a long term fascination with radio.I remember listening on an old crystal set I had as a child. Later I got hold of a short wave reciever.I still enjoy the hobby of Short wave DX. I correspond with and enjoy the programing of Deutsche Welle from Koln,Radio Free China from Taipe and Radio China International Bejing.Listening dx and sending in signal reports can be an interesting hobby. Over the years I have collected QSL cards,magazine, gifts and chinese paper cuttings sent from these broadcasters.

Our forfathers recognized that we are endowed by our creator with certain rights. These rights are from Him and no government has the power to grant or deny these rights.The right to keep (own) and bear (carry) arms is the cornerstone of a society which can protect itself from criminals and from Tyranical government.The right was granted to the people,not the national guard which did not exist at the time.
If you try to replace people with national guard elsewhere in the constitution it just does not fit. A term means the same thing throughout any legal Doccument.The state constitution reads that this right has been granted to the people for the protection of themselves and the state.Thus falls two major arguments the Natl Guard and sporting purposes.What greater ally could criminals and governmental tyrants have then those who would support the concept that their victims should be left un armed and defenceless.*************************The Second Amendment It aint about Duck Hunting

2nd Amendment
Patriot Talk I have been a long term fan of talk radio beginning in the early 70s with Bob Grant on WOR.Many radio shows are out there but I have linked two that are more than just mouth pieces for republicans.Stan Solomon is one of a kind. He is a I.C.V.M. Member(�Indiana Citizens Volunteer Millitia) and is on the flagship station wxlw in Indianapolis. He sounds like a Republican a lot of the time but knows the New World Order has its grips there as well as the other side of the aisle. No Rush Wanabees in this group. These two are real conservatives.Many good shows are out there. Neal Boortz on WSB Atlanta,The Intellegence report on WWCR 5070 on shortwave. The Black Avenger Ken Hamblin is also one to take note of.The critters depict the political types Stan the Man Solomon and Alex Jones expose daily!!!!Semper Libre. Alex Jones has a site at Alex has produced many tape doccumetaries including polics state 2000.Police state 2000 doccuments Military training for troops and police in a martial take over.It also show road block and other police power abuses.
Turn off the Music,Ball, Games and Trivia and tune in to short wave. Information is a life line.

Neal Boortz The Talk master from WSB in Atlanta

Ken Hamblin--The Black Avenger
Harley riding,cop suporting,gun toating,ultra-conservative and black. Get your certficate of absolution for being a white guy or black guy here!!

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