The Power of Love...

If the power of love leaves you all broken hearted,

It's all up to you, can you stop what you started?

If the power of love will not let you wait,

And you regret what you did, can you accept your bad fate?

If the power of love gets your innocence lost,

When it comes to that point, can your love pay the cost?

If the power of love leaves you out on your own,

Can you pull your own weight? Can you make it alone?

If the power of love should cause you to sin,

Or forget all your morals, can love always win?

If the power of love should cause you to hate,

Or get you in trouble, is your love all that great?

If the power of love makes you breathe your last breath,

Are you going to die happy, or will you die a sad death?

If the power of love has you bound there for life,

Could you be tied down, could you be his wife?

If the power of love asks too much of you,

When judgement day comes, can you pay what is due?


-Amber Rose Knight

am[email protected]

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