Welcome to The BOAT!
Kaltag has bonked Star on the head times since Monday, February 1st 1999.
FastCounter by LinkExchange

This award was presented on Saturday, March 28, 1998
at 6:36:21 PM EST. Thank you Nykki!!

Click here to find out how to get this award.

This award was presented on May 1st, 1999.
I think this award looks really nice and I
very much appreciate it! Thanks!

Check out KeyFrame here!

Balto's Boat
A place for TRUE Balto fans to chat!!

My chatroom is on IRC at:
I'm usually there at night around 9:45pm EST.
Just look for
Click here for more information.

Don't have mIRC?? Don't worry! You can get the latest version here!!

Come out of the darkness and find out who you are!

Excellent Balto Linx...

Razor Wolf's Homepage: Lots Of Really Good Balto Screen Shots 'n stuff!!

Balto's Apartment

A lot of work went into this site! Screenshots, interviews with other Balto fans, and even a Behind the Scenes on the webmaster who built it!

Balto's Den

Movie Files, screen grabs, sould clips, and even "Picture of the Week!"

Cute puppy too!

Scratch's Balto Fan Art Website.
Over 20 Different Artists; Including Yours Truly!

Busara's Balto Page

A great site containing pictures of Balto's memorial in New York City. Also has some NEAT Balto computer programs!

Home of Task Wolf® and the Balto Webring!

Jenna's NEW Homepage

Looking good! Some really good stuff here. Check it out!

Kaltag's Homepage

Another dedicatd site. This one is for Kaltag, the witty dog of Nome.

Nykki's Fun Page:

Some good stuff here; and quite the artist too!

The White Husky's Balto Page

Another great site! I really like it. Lots of screenshots taken from the Balto Laserdisc.

Newly updated, and looking great!!

Timduru's Balto Page:

My friend Timduru with his really nice Balto site! Lion King too.

Tuffy's Homepage
A Siberian Husky who thinks he looks like Balto (well okay, he kind of does...)
Steels's Home on the Net
A really great site with over 300 screenshots of, guess who... Steele! Also 2 MPG movies that really top it off!

My friend Snow Wolf. Her site
is coming along as she is learning
a lot about HTML and website design! A very nice site with
some hard-to-find Balto collectables and some good fanart and screenshots! She's got a WICKED title image too!

The OFFICIAL Iditarod
Dogsled Race website!
Some information about
Balto here, but it's worth checking out!

KeyFrame: The Animation Resource

Want to look for your favorite animated movie (Balto!)? Check out this great site for big animation buffs!

Damien's Balto Page

The new artist on The Boat also has a website! Some great stuff, unlike any other Balto site!

Back to The Den

Legal Stuff...

Balto ©1995 Universal Studios & Amblin Entertainment

The characters in the Balto fanfics belong to Universal Studios and/or their respective owners.
Balto's BOAT, the the characters in Cyberwulfe's fanfics, are registered trademarks of
Cyberwulfe Inc.
©1999 CW Inc.
Pictures and/or fanfics are not to be used without permission. I always give it of course!

Balto Webrings:

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