
Translations by ElvenLord


    Farland Story II: (8 Kb)  

    Patch to english that translates from chinese the menus more important, soldier class, arms, items, party status, and some more. Note that I must resume words to fit in the file (3 words to fit in 6 spaces, for example), no dialogue translation, I'm not English speaker so maybe have mistake words, also nor I speak Chinese either, fortunately are dictionaries around that help translating few words like class, weapons names... Report unlucky words or some you think are weird at [email protected].

    How to use? Just run Patch on game's folder .

    Go to games area to download full game.


    Castle Fantasia: (4.6 Kb)

    Patch, japanese to English, lets show correctly game menus in English (save instead ---------), also floating menu when you capture "hearts". This is all. But was a fuck work find were go were. Report something you want at [email protected], not ask me to translate all story, for same reasons that above.

    How to use? Just run Patch on game's folder.


    More games coming soon: Lakers II.