Heart Cries Unreliquished

This heart beats, and
she bleeds, but she will not
cry. Although this heart is
filled with the pain of loneliness, and
a fear of being broken in to by
false love this heart will not reliquish
a tear. Not even a drop to moisten the
wounds that loneliness and false love will bring.
This heart shall not cry!

This heart is to kind to let her pain be shown
because of her unique ability to listen to others pain
she dares not show her sorrows for the fear
of seeming weak. She shall not cry.

She is a good heart, yes she is, but others
rarely acknowledge that kindred spirit
that she forever shines on them, but she still will not cry.

She inhales and thinks to herself what would it
be like to shed a couple of tears, but she refuses
so she can hold herself together. This heart
wants so badly to cry. To let others see and feel
her pain. The pain of loneliness that has
plagued her for so long. The pain of not being
able to trust or Love anyone freely
because of the fear of being shattered.

Yes, Shattered like a piece of glass that people
easily sweep away into a garbage can never
to be thought of again. She is not glass, even
though she is fragile as a crystal vase that some
people seem to hold dear more than they ever held her.
She shall not cry, even though they haven't reliquished their
arms to her like they would that glass vase.

She will try her damnest to Love strong and strive
fort that day she will be able to cry. Her
tears on that fateful day will produce a raging
river that will flourish her spirit into releasing
an emptiness that has been with her for what seems
like eternity and to give her Love freely to people
around her because her and GOD knows she has plenty
good Love to give.

This day will come in due time. Tears
unreliqushed can only be held for so long
until you drown.
This heart doesn't plan on drowning!

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