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This is a special treat...  this is from a recent email from AzAptGal (Donna - aka VaMtnGal) who has married and is now living in Holland.   


Yes, I am enjoying being a newlywed..... seems funny how we met, I was not even looking to get involved again, let alone traveling back and forth from the U.S. to Holland.

I sure do miss talking with all my old friends and knowing what is going on. I miss getting into the folders on AOL and keeping up on all the news.

Being over here is difficult not speaking the language.. the Dutch use a lot of our words...but some of them have totally different meanings and one really has to watch out what they are saying or you could get into trouble.... or get laughed at. It's also a very hard language to learn.... nothing that one picks up in a days/months time.... their whole sentence structure is different from ours. Also some of the customs are different.... if one wants to get a good insight on the Dutch living have them read "The UnDutchables" by Colin White and Laurie Boucke... it gives a very good insight on living over here.

Attached are a couple of links (will have to send them by snoria) in case folks would like to know what it's like over in my new home town.

Hoorn is a small village/town but the way of life is so totally different then in the bigger towns like Amsterdam, Rotterdam and so totally different then the USA towns..... most folks have cars, bikes and/or motor bikes. Each village has their own shopping centers, schools, churches, and stores. The stores are only open half days on Monday- all days through Saturday and everything is closed on Sundays... which I think is neat for that gives good quality family time. Life is a slow pace. and so totally different the way life in the USA is.

I can't figure out how with yahoo to get the links to work. and if you would like you could give out my home page link so they can see where we live over here.  Give my love to all and let them know they are missed.

Please keep in touch.



Fondest congratulations to our dear friend, Donna!  We do hope Donna can come "home" and say hello now and again.. maybe for the annual luncheon in February in Mesa?  Here is a link to Donna's web site on ICQ... and you will find pictures there of Holland and so forth.  I think her new email address is there, also...  if not, give me a holler and I'll give it to those would like to contact her.

 Donna's Main Page

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