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The whole enchilada!

Here it is, folks, the whole enchilada of links!

Calling all christian brothers and sisters - we are looking forward to linking with you! Email us! Or if you know any good links, email us too! It'd be much appreciated if you could report any broken/updated links. Thanx!

Now, on to the enchilada...



The E03 and E81 Homepage Another CHC cell group page.

The W12 Homepage CHC cell group from the West district.

Christian Music and Links Page Cool page with cool links. Check it out.

Warsaint's Headquarters


Come meet JESUS! Find out more about JESUS straight from the source - The Bible.

JESUS and the Intellectual JESUS - Man, Myth or God? A page from Campus Crusade for Christ Controversial page on JESUS, theologies, debates, etc.

Gospel Communication Networks A big useful resource site with an online Bible.

Blue Letter Bible Online Bible with all the Hebrew and the Greek!

Antioch Directory of local churches, upcoming events, etc.


City Harvest Church, Singapore

Christian City Church Pastor Phil Pringle's church in Oxford Falls, Australia.

Word of Life Church Pastor Ulf Ekman's church in Uppsala, Sweden.

Christian Men's Network Dr. Ed Cole's ministry on the 'net.

John Avanzini Ministries God wants you to prosper financially!

Roberts Liardon Ministries Pastor Roberts' prophetic ministry.

Peter Youngren Ministries Pastor Peter Youngren's World Impact Ministries.

The Happy Hunters! Charles and Frances Hunter's happy website!


Macromedia Download Dreamweaver from Macromedia.

Infohiway A great Cut 'n' Paste javascript section.

Internet Tool Zone Free counter, free registry, free chatroom... 'nough said!

Killer Web Sites If you are starting your homepage, check this site for design tips first!

WebReference Latest updates on web technology.





TUCOWS ***** 5 stars!!!

GRAPHICS A must for designers! Tips, reviews and clipart!

Jasc Software Get Paint Shop Pro. Used for the graphics in this page.

The XrX Homepage Customise your startup logos!

Windows95 Themes Archives

Dano's Theme Tips One of the best themes pages!

IllusionWorks Graphics that boggles the mind.

World of Escher Another graphics site that boggles.


Cool Edit Homepage One of the best audio editing tools.

Guitar World Online Cool magazine for guitarists. Workshops, reviews. etc.

CCM Online Contemporary Christian Music Magazine.

Christian Alternative Guitar Guitar tabulature of alternative christian bands.

Christian Guitar Music

Jars of Christain Guitar Tabs

Rockin' with the Cross Christian guitar and bass tabs.

The Gospel Music Archive

The Wav Jumpgate Big index of sound/MIDI sites.

EarthStation1 Sounds for your theme creations. Esssential MP3 site.

Winamp Homepage The definitive MP3 player.


Ask Jeeves One of the faster meta search engines.

Dilbert Zone Cool comics section.

PC Magazine Online

Windows Annoyances Customise Win95! Get more out of Win95! Section on Win98 too!

Winzip Download it!









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