Read all about it!Ready to order?Good songs, great musicWanna chat with us?All the happenings in CHCLinks and more links!


Hmmm...smells nice

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Greetings and welcome to our christian Cyber Cafe! We are the cell-groups E16 and E55 from City Harvest Church in Singapore!

Feel free to browse the bookshelf (see our photos in the album), turn on the jukebox, or just unload yourself in our chatroom. Order some wallpapers from the menu, too! And yes, check out the noticeboard for what's happening.

If you want to know more about us, our church, or have any questions, just email us! And if you really like our Cafe, just really email us!!

Remember to sign our guestbook before you leave, jah?

Stay CoolStay real Cool, Man!and God Bless!


~Server too slow?~ ~Our international branches~ Click the map to go to a faster branch!



Who is JESUS? Check it out at the Bookshelf because HE made all this possible! .

Jukebox MP3s Download the songs we sing in City Harvest Church!..............

Cafe Graphics Download the free wallpapers in the Menu catalog!




. . .Just send us a note!. . . email us!

. . .Sign our guestbook!. . . sign our guestbook!

. . .View our guestbook!. . . view our guestbook!

.................... customers served since May 1st 1998


page design by copywright � 1998


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