Coffee is just the greatest drink don't you think? I do. In fact, I drink it so much that I've formed an addiction to caffene, and the doctors say that if I don't get at least 5 pots of coffee daily, I'll die, isn't that something. Oh well, I love coffee, and am happy to use their prescription!

Coffee is just the greatest drink! You can use it to stay up all night, wake you up in the morning, or just put your mind at ease, when you're reading or useing the computer. In fact I love coffee, and some day I'm going to marry it! There are so manything's you can do with coffee, let's see what we can think of, shall we?

1. Coffee, plain.

2. Cappuccino

3. Mocha

4. Java

5. Coffee slushies

6. Coffee Cake

7. Coffee Candy

8. Coffee people!

9. Coffee bread

10. Coffee Bread men!

11. Coffee grounds, plain

12. Coffee injections

14. (I don't believe in the number 13.) Coffee cola!

Well, that's all I'm allowed to legally say, I wouldn't want to get into any coffee entanglements, oh, did I mention those? Well anyway, I just love coffee, and all of it's uses.

Coffee is wonderful, and I'm sure that you'll agree, after you drink it for about 5 or so years.

I'm a member of a popular Coffee Club, Gevalia Cafe coffee, it's extremely good, and everytime you sign up, they give you something free! Isn't that great, mooching off of people is the greatest thing in the world, next to coffee, well, that's all for now. Folks.

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