ABRUD American Brotherhood for Russian Disabled Американское Братство Русскоязычных Инвалидов Jefferson Street, Suite #1C, Staten Island, NY 10306 (718) 987-1344 - phone, fax, (718) 282-9633 - phone, fax |
CONTENTS: Directions of our activities | EXTRACTIONS FROM THE CHAPTER 1. GENERAL REGULATIONS American Brotherhood for the Russian speaking disabled people (ABRUD) is a non-profit organization. It was established on a free-will basis and the existence of the above is in compliance with all USA laws. 2. MISSIONS - ABRUD is defending the social interests of the disabled. - It helps the disabled immigrants to integrate and adopt themselves in the American society. 3.GOALS - ABRUD is trying to establish and bring alive the variety of government programs to help poor and disabled people in the everyday social life. ABRUO is trying to help people to reinstate and further maintain their social, physical, intellectual, psychological, family and so forth status due to loss of the above because of the variety of reasons. - ABRUD is helping the disabled emigrants to develop and maintain sport and creativity related activities. - ABRUD is standing behind the people in case of emergency need of food or money. - ABRUD is organizing and supervising a large variety of cultural and social programs. - ABRUD provides the members with a variety of everyday life necessary information. - ABRUD is developing and maintaining the network among disabled people. 4.
following people are entitled to be considered a member of ABRUD:
anyone who was legally considered a
disabled In the USA, their family members, its affiliated employees and any
citizen who donated to the organization.
5. ORGANISATIONAL BASIS The Brotherhood is built on the territory basis, it is organised by borough, city,state and so forth, it also is organised on the free election basis and freedom of speech. All of the above is highlighted in the ABRUDs Manual. DIRECTIONS
OF THE PUBLIC and SOCIAL ACTIVITIES 1. THE DEFENCE OF THE DISABLEDS RIGHTS Jurisdictional Consultations Supply with commonly used in social services blanks and forms of applications 2. WORK
Governor's and Mayor's offices for disabled
Technical ensuring such as computers, TV,
Radio, Fax machines, answering machines, etc.
Verbal info distributing 5. CULTURE RELATED ACTIVITIES Excursions/Trips Cultural assembly Exhibitions of the creative work of the members 6. SPORT RELATED ACTIVITIES Exercising on a regular basis Sport Competitions 7. SOCIAL HELP ON THE INDIVIDUAL BASIS Hot Line for all varieties of psychological help 8. WORK IN CONJUNCTION WITH MASS MEDIA WMNB - Russian speaking TV and Radio station (Informational program on the regular basis to join fo the independent life) NY ABLE Newspaper
NECESSITIES AND PROBLEMS 2. Educational Field * We need grants for the purpose of publishing in English language some special literature such as special manuals for deaf and blind members. We need to get grants to open an Internet course and get Microsoft Certificates. *
We need financial
support in order to be able to provide our members with their own newspaper ABRUD and time on Russian TV
5. Sport Field *
We need
finances to keep our sport
activities up and running. |
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