in Russian




Ekton is the system permitting to watch development of a situation in time and to forecast the outcome of any problem.

The analysis and forecasting according to the system “Ekton” enables to receive the effective decisions in those situations, which outcomes is difficult to anticipate.

Using “Ekton” system, you will avoid the mistakes and you will succeed in your activity. We shall make the analysis and forecast on any problem you need to solve.

The range of analyzed situations is much wider, and it reflects different spheres of human activity.

An approximate list of questions solved on “Ecton” System. Page 18.

You need to get a forecast. Any time a problem could appear which provokes a multitude of decisions and … you have to make a choice.

With the help of “Ekton” system you get to know, what would happen with you in one week, month, year … We shall define the significance of taken decision as well as an influence of your choice on further events in yours professional and private life. It allows to fix the day of making a decision.

One of advantages of “Ekton” system is the capability to define the “Point of selection ". It is the period of time when you can change the situation! It allows to define the day of making a decision.

After passing " Point of selection " the situation invariable goes on preset paths up to following " Point of selection ". It is impossible to change something arbitrarily in this period of time. Knowing the time of "Point of selection ", and its "character" it is possible to achieve the greatest efficiency in your actions.

We shall indicate time the most favourable for acceptance of important decisions.

“Ekton” system guarantees full confidentiality, as it does not require the names, surnames, titles of corporations.



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