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Hifi & Audio jargon explained


During the course of this site you will have noticed that there is a great deal of jargon contained within the numerous pages on offer.  



Abbreviation for Ampere (see also Ampere).


AAD  Seen on CD cases.  Meaning music was recorded in analogue (A) and mastered in analogue form (A) - the first two A's - but stored digitally on the CD.



In the recording and reproduction chain, there are many opportunities to reverse polarity, especially when hooking up speaker wire between the amplifier and the speaker. For most people there is no difference in the sound when the polarity is reversed. However, some audiophiles argue that there would be a difference in the sound if the polarity were to be changed for something like an explosion and if the reproduction could reproduce all the low frequencies in the sound. The sound of an explosion would have positive polarity, you see.


AC  Abbreviation for Alternating Current.


AC-3  See Dolby Digital.



If a portion of the sound output from loudspeakers can somehow excite the turntable or stylus of the system, a new, unwanted signal is created, which is in turn amplified by the electronics and reproduced by the speakers. If this signal is in phase with the original signal at a particular frequency (usually bass) a tremendous resonance (oscillation, a form of positive feedback) can occur in the room. Even small amounts of acoustic feedback can cause a considerable amount of distortion.

The careful positioning of speakers and turntable is the usual remedy to the problem. Placing the turntable anywhere near the speakers is usually a mistake.

An effect similar to acoustic feedback occurs when vibrations from walking in the room are transmitted up to the turntable from the floor. Generally if a turntable is positioned so that it is free from this kind of vibration, it will also be safe from acoustic feedback.

CD players and amplifiers are a lot less susceptible to acoustic feedback, but it does exist, and precautions sometimes help.

Another example of acoustic feedback (this time at high frequencies) is the squeal that occurs in microphone hookups where output from the speaker re-enters the system through the microphone.

No matter what the frequency, even if the gain of the amplifier is not high enough to cause oscillation, distortion in the form of a boost in response at certain frequencies will result from acoustic feedback. This can cause even the best speakers to sound "boomy". Ironically, the general recent improvement in low frequency response of quality systems has simply intensified the problem, so that acoustic feedback has become a major problem in quality sound installations.




Mounting a speaker in a hermetic or air-tight enclosure traps a fixed quantity of air behind it. The springiness of this air can effectively replace the suspension spring used in speakers to return the speaker cone to its "normal" position, hence the term "acoustic suspension" (either "air suspension" or "pneumatic suspension" would be more accurate). The ADVENT, the AR 3, and the EPI 100 are (old) examples of acoustic suspension speakers.

Acoustic suspension speakers are traditionally much less efficient than bass reflex speakers and therefore need more powerful amplifiers.

The major advantage of the design is simplicity and therefore simpler manufacturing and lower initial cost. However, any savings may be eaten up by the need for a more powerful amplifier. This is the hidden but unavoidable cost of inefficient speakers. 


ADD  Seen on CD cases.  Meaning music was recorded in the analogue form (A), mastered or remastered digitally (D), and stored digitally on the CD (D).


ALIGNMENT  Adjustment of a record-player cartridge relative to the groove on the disc.  Bad cartridge alignment causes distortion.  Tape heads also need aligned but unless you are an Electronic Service Engineer, it is best left to the experts.


ALTERNATING CURRENT  Electricity in the form of a sine wave (one with Positive and Negative halves forming a continuous waveform).  


AM  Abbreviation for Amplitude Modulation.   


AMPERE  Unit of current.


AMPLIFIER  Boosts signals from source equipment such as CD Players, Tuner, Cassette Deck to a level able to drive speakers.  Amplifiers are usually found in one box (Integrated) or can split into their individual components of Pre-Amplifier (handles witching and drive levels) and Power Amplifier (only contains electronics for powering speakers).


AMPLITUDE MODULATION   A type of Radio signal.  The carrier frequency varies in size (or amplitude) in sympathy with the modulating signal.  It is now commonplace to refer to the Long-Wave and Medium-Wave radio bands as AM, because all transmissions in them are made using Amplitude Modulation.


ANALOGUE  LP's, Cassette Tapes and Tuners reproduce signals that are non-digital but are directly relative to original signal.


ANTENNA  Used with Radio tuners for pickup of Radio Signal.  At Medium and Long-Wave frequencies is usually comprised of a long-wire or loop.   At VHF/UHF frequencies it is usually found in the form of a Directional-YAGI which has a single Driven Element (or Dipole) and sever Parasitic elements (or Directors) as well as having a Reflector element.   


ANTI-SKATING  Applied to tonearms on turntables to prevent them from swerving towards the centre.


ATRAC  A form of Data Compression.  Typically found in Sony Minidisc units.


AUDIO  Is the term that describes any sound between 20Hz and 20,000Hz (The recognized human hearing spectrum).  The term is also commonly used to describe any equipment used for sound reproduction.


AWG  American Wire Gauge.  Common method of measurement of wire diameters used in the US.  The higher the number the smaller the wire diameter will be.  In the UK this is normally expressed in mm (millimeters).




BACK EMF  The opposing electromotive force from loudspeaker units.



A baffle is a mounting for a speaker which assists sound radiation. A baffle is important because many sound wavelengths are longer than the speaker. The ideal baffle is flat and extends forever, creating a hemispherical sound wave.

The baffle is usually part of the cabinet. Sometimes special baffles are built for testing purposes.

When a small speaker is placed near the wall, the wall becomes part of its baffle.

The term infinite baffle is another way of describing the ideal baffle mentioned above. Actually, infinite baffle is often used to describe any situation where the back wave from the speaker is completely isolated from the front, as when a speaker is mounted in a hole in a wall.


BALANCED CONNECTIONS  A shielded signal cable usually found in Professional and High-End equipment.  Positive and Negative wires are shielded (for better interference rejection) in balanced connections.  Normal connections use the negative to shield the positive cable.  Balanced connections use a  three-pin XLR type plug.  These connections are also used in the AES/EBU digital format.



A variation of the bass reflex design. A speaker enclosure is divided into two chambers with the woofer mounted between them. One of the chambers is then vented with a tuned port. The tuned vent acts like a filter which limits the frequency response to a desired bandwidth, thus the term band-pass. This type of design is used primarily for sub-woofers and bass units of satellite systems.



The range of frequencies in which amplitude remains constant. Bandwidth is generally the subject of much controversy and confusion, since there is no standard method of measurement. Should speaker bandwidth be measured in a living room or in an anechoic chamber? How far should the microphone be from the speaker: Should the mike record reflected sound? Etc.

Bandwidth is another way of saying frequency response. 


BASS  This is the term usually given to Low frequencies, LF's are often tricky to reproduce in a lifelike manner.  When a review says that bass is slow it goes 'Whoompa-Whoompa' and can dominate the music.  In this case often referred to as being 'Overblown' or unrealistic.  The ideal is to achieve a good bass extension (i.e. low frequencies) allied to the speed (tempo) and rhythm of the music.



A speaker in an infinite baffle or a sealed enclosure uses only its front wave to produce sound. In a bass reflex or tuned port design, part of the back wave of the speaker is used to reinforce the front wave usually in the bass.

The back wave excites a resonant system which then radiates sound. This resonant system has two components: mass (actually air in this case), and the stiffness of the air suspension in the box.

The resonant system using the back wave is far more efficient than the primary system. Very little power excites great sound from bass reflex systems in the frequency range to which the port is tuned (generally below 100 Hz).

The increased output obtained in a bass reflex design can be used by the designer either to improve efficiency or to extend low frequency response.

An advantage of bass reflex design over acoustic suspension design is that the relatively higher efficiency of the former permits the same amount of bass to be produced with far less woofer travel or excursion. Since this generally increases linearity of the response, it produces less distortion, particularly in the low bass.


BELTDRIVE  Used to describe the method of driving the platter on a Turntable.  A belt the pulley an the motor on a Turntable helps to isolate the pickup from the motor and reduces motor noise.   Some high-end CD players are also fitted with belt drive.


BER  BitErrorRate.  The ratio of received bits that are in error, relative to a specific numbered referenced to a power of 10  i.e. 1:10


BIAMPING  Each drive unit of a speaker is driven by a separate amplifier.  A pair of  two-way speakers would need two mono amplifiers for each speaker.   Thus, four mono amplifier would be needed for this setup.   The main advantage of this setup is the increase in definition and imaging that comes from separating each amplifier channel from the other.  SEE ALSO BIWIRING and BRIDGED MONO.


BIAS  Usually refers to a High Frequency AC signal that is applied across the heads of a cassette deck when using Chrome or Metal Tape.  It is used to alter the frequency of the eddy currents on the head and thus keeps the record levels linear across the recording range.    BIAS also refers to the signal voltage needed to switch a transistor on.


BINDING POST  Speaker terminal with threaded collar for gripping bare wires and sometimes a socket for banana plugs, too.


BIT  A single piece of digital information, essentially an on/off signal.  Digital-to-Analogue converters turn strings of bits into audio signals.


BITSTREAM  One method of turning digital CD data in analogue signals.  Bitstream digital-to-analogue converters process single bits of information much faster than multibit DAC's, which work on chunks of digital data.


BIWIRING  Some of the benefits of Biamping can be had by biwiring but at a much reduced cost.  You need speakers that are suitable (one that has two sets of inputs and a split crossover) for this type of operation.  You send twin runs of speaker cable from the amplifier (again if suitable it should have two sets of outputs or speakers A/B) to each speaker.


BRIDGED MONO  This is a special mode that some stereo amplifiers can be switched into (the ROTEL RB970's for example).  What happens when you switch a stereo amplifier into Bridged-Mono mode it combines both the channels to produce just the one (mono) signal.  The output typically increases by 2/3rds and a 60Watt amplifier will increase its output to become an 180W one.




C  The symbol for Capacitance.


CABLES  Copper conductors are commonly used within Hifi cables.  The purity of the copper contained within the cables is usually expressed as a number of 'nines'.  Thus a cable claiming 'six-nines' or 6N would nominally be 99.9999% pure copper.  Cables can have many strands (multistrand) or one or more thick wires (solid core).  One area of confusion is with directional cables which have arrows marked on them, directional cables are usually setup so that the signal travels down the cable following the arrows.

I am skeptical about the directional properties of cables.  Manufacturers claim that the cable has fractionally less resistance in one direction due to the lay of the copper molecules presumably down to the direction the cable was drawn when manufactured.  With interconnect cables, although reportedly directional, the setup is slightly different this time.  The shield (not to be confused with the earth or 0v line) is usually only connected at one of the cable, this being the source end.


CAPACITANCE  A measurement of the charge capacity (or potential) on Capacitors (Electrolytic, Air spaced etc.)   Expressed in Farads, pF (Picofarads), uF (Microfarads), nF (Nanofarads) etc.



An electronic element in which two metallic plates are close to each other but not in contact, with voltage on one plate affecting the voltage on the other. A capacitor will not conduct a direct current, but will allow alternating current to pass.

Capacitors have an impedance with respect to frequency which declines at a regular rate of 6 dB per octave. At low frequencies a capacitor therefore has high L, making it an excellent filter for keeping low frequencies away from a tweeter. Therefore, capacitors are common elements in crossovers.


CARTRIDGE  The device which actually plays the vinyl record.  It converts the wobbles in the record's groove into electrical signals for your amplifier.  SEE ALSO MOVING MAGNET and MOVING COIL.


CD  See Compact Disc


CD-i  Compact Disc Interactive.  A now defunct home-entertainment system introduced by Philips in the early '90's.  


CD-R  CD-Recordable.  Uses a special blank disc for use in a CD Recording unit.  Once recorded on it can't be erased, but once 'Finalized' can played in CD players (occasionally referred to as a WORM or WriteOnceReadMany).  CD-R discs are different from normal CD's in that the data side has a Gold/Green or Blue tint.   There are two distinct types of CD-R, those being Professional (for use in computer CD-R machines) and Consumer ones (for use in Hifi recording units).


CD-ROM  Uses the CD format as a Read Only Memory for computers.  The CD-ROM has a capacity 650MB on the 74minute discs and 700MB on the 80 minute ones.


CD-TEXT  A new system that was originally promised with the inception of CD during the early 80's.  The system allows CD players to display textual information such as Title / Track Names and Lyrics.  Only players from Sony and Kenwood are currently supporting this system and there are few discs available with data on them (Titanic OST being one).


CLASS A  An amplifier in which both the positive and negative halves of the input signal are amplified by together..  As a consequence they usually run hot as the transistors/tubes in the power amp are running for 100% of the input cycle.  A class A amplifier has a high quality sound but are very inefficient in their power consumption.


CLASS B  An amplifier in which the Positive and Negative halves of the signal are dealt with by two separate amplifier stages (also called Push-Pull).  Each amplifier stage amplified either the top or the bottom half of the cycle and switch off for the rest.  Because of this a class B amplifier is much more efficient and cooler but will not sound as good because of crossover distortion etc.


CLASS AB  A class AB amplifier is essentially a B Push-Pull amplifier.  The difference lies in their operation designs with respect to the output transistors.   A normal silicon transistor will start to conduct with a base voltage of around 0.6 or 0.7volts.  A class A or a class B amplifier will usually have their transistor biasing levels set for around 1.0volts which would be well within a transistors output curve where no distortion would occur.  Now here lies the difference, a class AB amplifier has its biasing level set around 0.5volts, just above the point where the distortion ceases.  Now because of this the transistor can only amplify the top half of the signal, hence the reason for having two amplifier stages.


COAXIAL  The name given to a cable which has a centre conductor with an outer shield running around the outside.  The two conductors are separated with an air core or dielectric.  See also Dielectric


COLORATION  Coloration is the name given when sound reproduction does not follow that of the original sound/tone of the music.  Coloration is undesirable and is usually referred to when for example when Bass becomes 'Boomy' or the mid-range sounds 'Nasal' or if the Treble sounds 'Splashy'.   All colorations, will spoil your enjoyment of the music though careful selection and setup of your Hifi equipment should minimize this.


COMPACT DISC  A standard 12cm disc, which stores information digitally, which are read by a laser optical system.  Originally designed for Music storage the CD is now used for many applications which include CD-R, CD-ROM, DVD amongst others.


COMPLIANCE  A measure of the springiness in a component.  Usually refers to cantilever suspension on stereo cartridges.


COMPRESSION  This is a system used by Radio and TV stations to reduce level differences between loud and soft parts of music and speech.  The actual unit that the BBC use in their transmitters is called an 'Optimod compressor unit' and thus compression is often referred to as Optimod.  The reasons for the use of the Optimod are twofold, one is to help maximize the sound for in-car use but more importantly to ensure that the drive levels for the transmitters don't reach saturation and cause wideband interference in the radio spectrum.


CONDUCTION  The transmission of an electrical signal down a wire or a component. 


CROSSOVER  A circuit that is built inside speakers which by the use of High-pass and Low-pass filter splits the signal from the amplifier.  High frequencies are fed to the Tweeter and Low frequencies to the Woofer.




D/A  Digital to Analog



Digital Audio Broadcasting is the new radio broadcasting system set to supercede the current AM / FM systems.  This is a digital system that broadcasts radio digitally in a Multiplex form - one Signal carrying a multitude of radio stations.  First transmissions were aired in 1995.  Units are available for in-car use but as yet Hifi units are still scarce, with sets only available from ARCAM and KENWOOD at the present time (Jan 2000).


DAC  Digital-To-Analogue Converter.  This is a piece of electronics that turn on/off pulses (see BITS) into analogue sound.   Most CD players have a DAC built into them.  Separate DAC's can upgrade a CD player or other digital player / recorder (DCC, DVD, Laserdisc or Minidisc), or can be used with a dedicated CD transport.



Any form of resistance or friction, electrical, mechanical, or acoustic.

Most of the damping of woofers is caused by the amplifier (electrical damping). Fiberglass in speaker enclosures is another form of damping (acoustical damping). In tweeters damping may be accomplished by means of a magnetic fluid bathing the voice coil.

In general, damping reduces the amplitude of resonance

The careful control of damping is important in speaker design because resistance or damping is a factor in the calculation of Q, which greatly modifies speaker response across a wide audible frequency range.


DAMPING FACTOR  The ratio of a speaker's impedance to the output impedance of the amplifier which drives it. Since speaker impedance is usually around 8 ohms, and amplifier output impedance is generally less than .1 ohms, damping factors may reach or surpass 100.

Most amplifiers have comparable damping factors. An amplifier can be designed to create more damping effect, but it is not certain that a higher damping factor is better. Amplifier damping is often related to negative feedback, which is not necessarily a good thing. 



Damping fluid is not necessarily ferrofluid, but ferrofluid is so useful and versatile that it has completely replaced other types in loudspeakers


DAT  Digital  Audio Tape. A digital recording system that is mostly used by Audio Professionals but also has dedicated following in the US.  DAT uses a revolving head similar to the type that is used in a VCR.  The sound is arguably better than that of CD due to its usage of a 48kHz sampling rate.  


DATA REDUCTION  A system that lowers the amount of data needed to store music.  There are quite few systems in everyday use.  Sony's Minidisc uses an in-house system called ATRAC (Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding).  Philips have a system in their DCC machines called PASC (Precision Adaptive Sub-band Coding).  Other types are MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group) which is used in DVD and Digital Satellite and MP3 (MPEG 1 Layer 3).   All these systems remove signals that the designers think you can't hear.  I have used Minidisc and find it 'acceptable' but have found that MP3 just massacres the music, just my personal opinion. 


DC  Abbreviation for Direct Current.


DCC  Digital Compact Cassette was a home digital tape system from Philips.  It was backwards compatible with the existing base of compact cassettes.  DCC cassettes worked on 16bit and 44.1kHz digital signals with data compression supplied by a Philips designed PASC unit similar to the ATRAC system. Due to the popularity of Minidisc it has fallen into disuse and is no longer manufactured.


DDD  Seen on CD cases.  Meaning music was recorded (D) / mastered (D) and stored (D) digitally on CD.


DECIBEL (dB)  A measurement for showing changes and gain in sound pressure.  A change of +1dB is just audible, while a change of +10dB would sound as if the output had been doubled.

            For working out dB gain use:  10 log  Voltage out divided by Voltage in.  The result will be the dB Gain level.


DIELECTRIC  The name given to the insulation space commonly found between conductors in a cable.  Varying the space between the conductors in a coaxial cable also varies the impedance Z.


DIGITAL  Method of storing data used by CD Players, DAT, DCC, Minidisc etc.  The analog sound is converted to a stream of 0's or 1's, effectively on/off signals.  Before digital information can be heard from a loudspeaker it has to be converted to analog in a D to A converter.


DIGITAL OUTPUT  Usually found on the rear panels of CD players, DAT and Minidisc.  This allows the digital signal to be recorded or processed by an off board DAC.  The two main types of Digital Output are Electrical (Coaxial) and Optical (also known as Tos-Link or Fibre Optic).


DIODE  Originally a valve/tube device.  In its modern semiconductor form it is a essentially a one-way component, it will only allow the flow of electrons in one direction and will only conduct when it reaches its switch on voltage.  These components are made from Germanium (switches on at .2 or .3volts) and more commonly, Silicon (switches on at .6 or .7volts).



At its highest frequencies, a speaker directs almost all of its sound straight ahead . At low frequencies, sound radiates equally in all directions. The former effect, referred to as "beaming", can be a problem in speaker design.

Beamed sound has a psychological effect which can be pleasant: it causes voices to sound more "up front". It can also be unpleasant.

STEREO EFFECT is exaggerated with beamed sound. If you get good dispersion, there's a lot of sound arriving at your ear in complex patterns: the first reflection, the second, etc. making it confusing to judge when the sound actually happened. The phase information used by the mind to derive the stereo image is emphasized when beamed. This is one of the appeals of earphones, where virtually all sound is beamed with no dispersion.

Some designers choose to use drivers in their directional range (or beaming range) in order to obtain the desirable effects of beaming. If the designer is trying to achieve a more linear speaker (with respect to dispersion) he will wish to eliminate beaming. This can be done by crossover design, using crossovers to deprive drivers of frequencies where they beam, or through driver design, since drivers can be designed so that they don't produce any sound at frequencies where they would beam. 

Though directionality is generally thought of as a high frequency problem, it also occurs at the midrange frequencies at the "high-end" of the woofer.


The original appeal of the domed tweeter is that it physically resembles the spherical waveform which an ideal loudspeaker should produce. Actually, the real advantage is that the dome shape gives the tweeter a very rigid structure so that it does not deform at high frequencies as much as a cone tweeter, e.g. the dome shape resists deformation and therefore has a more uniform response.

The conventional domed tweeter is convex, with a voice coil of the same diameter.

A speaker generally has some low frequency at which there is a dramatic increase in distortion; reviewers generally refer to this phenomenon as "doubling." The origin of the term may be the fact that most speakers have a tendency to produce the harmonics of any tone they are required to reproduce, and one such harmonic is double the original frequency. Also the loudness seems to double. In reality, it is the third harmonic which sounds less pleasant than the second, so that what is labeled doubling may in effect be trebling.

Another type of distortion often called doubling occurs when a speaker causes a low-frequency vibration in the grill-cloth assembly. Another occurs when a speaker goes beyond its normal limits of travel and hits up against its suspension or frame (bottoms out).

Years ago, recording studios used speakers which were chosen primarily for efficiency rather that bandwidth. People in recording studios had no idea what kind of high and low frequency response was going onto their records. The introduction of the equalizer allowed them to change the power to the speaker to make up for its deficiencies, and a lot of studios can now hear stuff they couldn't hear before. Therefore the quality of sound on records, particularly in the last five years, has improved a great deal. This has in turn caused speaker manufacturers to become more and more interested in the high and low frequency response of their products.

The improvement in records has also had beneficial effects on cartridge design. In turn, the improvement in cartridges allowed the recording industry to make yet another round of improvement through better hearing. This is, perhaps, the best example of symbiotic effect in audio. Also true, of course, with speakers and other components.

The introduction of CD's and digital technology has accelerated this process even more.


A component with lots of knobs, each one representing a certain bandwidth, or frequency division (an octave or fraction of an octave) which allows you to boost or decrease energy going to a speaker in that range. The result is that you can compensate for speaker limitations or acoustic distortion in the room itself. Now common in recording studios and becoming more common in living rooms.
Ferrofluid is a trademark of Ferrofluidics, Inc. It is truly a space age material, a magnetic fluid, originally created for lubricating ball bearings in space. The liquid has tiny magnetic particles attached to the fluid base the way soap attaches particles of dirt. This fluid flows toward stronger magnetic fields.

In speakers, ferrofluid can be used in the gap of a tweeter magnet. Because of the fluid's magnetic properties, it is held in the gap and cannot run out. The presence of this fluid helps cool and therefore protect the tweeter by improving conductivity between the coil and the frame. ferrofluid also helps lower distortion because it prevents air movement in the gap. (This eliminates the possibility of spurious whine or whistle.)

Once sold at more than $100 an ounce, now a bit cheaper, this fluid is more in the class of optimization than luxury. The net result is that the loudspeaker can take greater power input and produce greater amounts of sound without burning out tweeters.

Systems for the reproduction of movies and other audio/visual productions include as a minimum a television set. The most common configuration nowadays also includes a Dolby Prologic receiver and four, five or six speakers, which include the conventional Left and Right stereo speakers as well as a center speaker , a pair of rear channel speakers and perhaps a sub-woofer. dolby has introduced a newer system called "Dolby Digital" or "AC-3", which includes an amplifier with five equal channels. These can provide greater flexibility and realism than the Dolby Prologic system. The most elaborate Home Theater systems include large screen TV monitors and digital sources, such as laser disks, digital tapes or digital broadcasts from satellites.
Research into human hearing has shown that stereo or spatial information is usually considered more important by listeners than wide-bandwidth response. Listeners will usually choose narrow-bandwidth stereo sound over wide-bandwidth mono. Audiophiles might prefer the latter, and some even prefer wide-bandwidth mono to wide-bandwidth stereo.

It has generally been considered that stereo information is derived principally from the difference in timing in the sounds emanating from two different speakers. However, intensity of sound also plays a role in imparting spatial information, particularly at lower frequencies, and beaming also has an effect. 

Biologically, sound is transmitted from the eardrum to bones to the cochlea (a snail-like organ.) Because of the way it's built, various frequencies go to various parts of the cochlea. There are lots of nerves throughout the organ: various frequencies excite various nerves. The timing of the sound is transmitted into digital pulses, and a part of the brain acts as a decoder to tell you what frequency came to which ear when. A survival tool, "Down that path you get stomped by a rhino," and therefore remarkably sensitive.

Human hearing is not only sensitive; it's also educable. Example, few people hear the 15,750 Hz sound of the flyback transformer on a TV before it's pointed out to them; most do, after it has been. This constant re-education of hearing and continual widening of perceptual abilities can be a problem for the audiophile whose hearing improves faster than he can afford better equipment, or who enjoys high fidelity less as it teaches him to hear better.

The importance of hearing is seldom fully appreciated. It is actually a more direct sensation of reality than seeing. To say "hearing s believing makes a lot more sense than "seeing is believing."

It is now beginning to be accepted that better hitters actually hear the ball better as well as seeing it better. It is certain that in most sports, good hearing may be as important as good vision.

When using firearms in sports, as in trapshooting, sound levels become destructive. Firing 25 rounds without earplugs can cost you a portion of your hearing ability for life, and no amount of money spent on audio equipment will do much good.

An important variation of the domed tweeter, invented in 1968 by Winslow. Burhoe. Shares the advantages of the domed tweeter, plus others.

Essentially, the inverted dome results in even greater rigidity than the domed tweeter because the dome, once inverted, can be reinforced (by the voice coil) at its weakest point, half way between the perimeter and the center. Moreover, the inverted design allows the use of a smaller-diameter voice coiL. Since dispersion is related to the diameter of the radiating surface, and since at very high frequencies the diameter of a tweeter's radiating surface is equal to the diameter of the coil, the inverted dome tweeter also provides generally superior dispersion.

Using the same amount of wire in a smaller-diameter coil also results in a longer voice coil which stays in the gap of the magnet more effectively, creating a more linear response. (Again, less DISTORTION.)

The practice of putting one woofer in front of another connected by a sealed enclosure, so that only one is exposed to the outside air. This system has the effect of increasing moving mass, thereby providing greater bass extension at the cost of efficiency.
Book shelf speakers seldom have efficiency above one percent. For the Klipschorn (an invention of Paul Klipsch), it's something about 30%. The horn-loading makes it far more efficient, but the speakers really have to be big. The Klipschorn principle uses the walls of the room as effective extensions of the speaker itself. This effect applies only to sub-woofer frequencies. 
As opposed to non-linear. When dealing with cause and effect, an effect is linear when it is exactly proportional to the input. When you pull on a spring with a specific force, twice the force should produce exactly twice the deflection. In a speaker, twice as much power from the amplifier should produce exactly twice as much sound.

All devices have some degree on non-linearity, hence distortion.

In audio, a term which usually refers to the principle (documented by Fletcher and Munson) that the response of the human ear to sound is not regular, but varies enormously with the intensity or loudness of the music.

At very low levels both bass and treble frequencies seem to decline more than the midrange frequencies. Many audio amplifiers therefore have some form of loudness control which causes the amplifier to boost certain frequencies at low-volume playback.

Ideally a loudness control should affect both high and low frequencies. Actually, many so-called loudness controls affect only bass response, therefore doing only half the job. This is worth investigating when buying an amplifier.

Ideally, at concert-hall levels of sound, the frequency response of the amplifier should be flat whether the loudness control is engaged or not. Accurate compensation requires two controls, a gain control in addition to the loudness control. The gain control must be used to compensate for gain variations in all elements of the system (speaker efficiency, room acoustics, room size, source level, amplifier gain, etc.) to set the amp to the one gain setting at which loudness contour will provide a realistic balance.

Loudness systems which consist only of a button to convert the volume control into a loudness control and back again can't usually provide exact compensation. As a result, many audiophiles have never heard music with proper loudness compensation.

Understanding loudness compensation is important because properly used it can provide the same sonic balance from a system at low listening level as at full volume. Loudness controls, though, are generally misunderstood and often are used simply to increase bass response (sometimes because people feel nervous about any deviation from "flat" response and fell vaguely that the loudness button is "legal" while the bass control is not.)

The source of the magnetic field which interacts with electrical current flowing through the voice coil wire to produce the force which moves the speaker cone.

Alnico, which used to be the material of choice, has been mostly replaced by ceramic ferrites. In cases where the magnet has to be very small or very strong, a neodymium alloy is now used.


In general, feedback is the application of a portion of the output signal to the input signal of any system which has gain. The most common usage of feedback is in audio amplifiers, since distortion in the output signal of an amplifier can generally be reduced by feeding a percentage of the output signal back into the input of the circuit with polarity reversed (hence the term "negative feedback").

In fact since all design is a matter of trade-offs, any decrease in distortion obtained by this technique must be paid for by a decrease in gain in the amplifier. Since negative feedback is essentially a corrective technique with an inevitable trade-off cost, a better solution is to create an amplifier with so little DISTORTION that negative feedback is not required to correct it.

Since negative feedback changes the damping factor of an amplifier (and therefore changes Q, therefore changing the frequency response of the speaker) some attention should be paid to this question when choosing an amplifier since speakers may sound quite different when driven by amplifiers with different amounts of negative feedback.

Random sound at all frequencies. Produced everywhere, even by the collision of molecules in the air around us. (This noise is just below the level of sound audible to humans, but exists nonetheless.) In audio, noise is also caused by the flow of electric current through transistors, vacuum tubes, and resistors.

Since there is always noise in the listening environment, sound-producing systems must be turned up loud enough to mask the noise. This fact may become a problem with components, like amps, which produce their own noise, since internally-generated noise may increase faster than the musical signal as volume is increased. Though modern high fidelity equipment usually generates so little noise that this not much of a problem, some internally-generated noise always shows up nevertheless in almost all component-generated sound. 

Systems which are to be used in a noisy environment should include relatively efficient loudspeakers. In such environments, low efficiency loudspeakers may require too much power in order to come up to levels which effectively mask ambient noise. 

A frequency term: doubling or halving a frequency. Called an octave because it is eight notes of a musical scale.
Same as harmonics


A loudspeaker component that looks like a woofer but isn't, for it has neither voice coil nor magnet. Like a tuned port, a passive radiator is part of a secondary sound producing system used either to improve efficiency or to widen bandwidth by utilizing the real woofer's back wave.

A passive radiator may be loaded with more mass than can be obtained in a tuned port of standard size, so it may be the solution in a particularly small cabinet. A sales advantage of the passive radiator is that it often makes the buyer think he is getting a large woofer when he isn't.



Sometimes called polarity, when it refers to the plus/minus of interconnections. In a more general sense, it refers to the timing of a waveform. Particularly important in stereo. Two speakers connected to the amplifier out of phase so that one is pushing (waveform is increasing) while the other is pulling (waveform is decreasing) will usually sound flat. Mis-phasing can cancel out most of the bass, particularly if the speakers are close together. Speaker hook-up wire is generally color-coded or otherwise coded so that both speakers can be grounded to the negative output connection of the amp, putting them "in phase".

PHASE is also important in each individual speaker system. Suppose you have a woofer and tweeter producing the same sound simultaneously. The timing or phasing of the sounds will be influenced by cross-over design, mass, , impedance etc.

In the more general meaning of phase, one complete cycle of a sound wave can be considered to be 360 degrees of phase. 180 degrees is one half way through the sound cycle, etc. As frequency rises, inductance alone can cause phase shifts of as much as 90 degrees. At the cross-over point phase shifts as great as 120 degrees are not uncommon. For this reason, crossovers are sometimes wired 180 degrees out of phase (by reversing wires) for a net reduction in mis-phasing or mis-timing.

Another interesting area of phase change is around woofer resonance. Right at resonance there is generally minimum phase shift, but phase does shift dramatically just above and just below resonance.

In a speaker with high Q, phase shift around resonance will be greater. There is some dispute and discussion as to whether one can actually hear this phase shift. Since variations in frequency response are often associated with variations in phase response, it's difficult to know which one is being heard. It's generally accepted that drastic shifts in phase are audible as distortion. To put it differently, it's desirable to have a system in which phase shifts only gradually with change in frequency response

The simplest form of impedance. Resistance opposes the flow of current equallly at all frequencies in a wire, loudspeaker or other electrical device. The more resistance, the less current.
Proportional to the square root of the product of mass and stiffness. (These factors are also found in the equation for Q.)

Speaker manufacturers do not always indicate the resonant frequencies of their speakers in their specifications. (Usually dealers will know.) Generally, the lowest the resonance the deeper the bass (assuming that everything else is all right with the speaker.)

Usually a speaker with low resonance is well made.

The smaller the box or the larger the woofer, the higher the resonant frequency. Therefore a fifteen inch woofer requires a huge box to keep its resonant frequency low enough.

An important quality in speaker components like woofer cones and tweeter domes, since the more rigid the radiator, the more it acts like a theoretical or ideal device.
An uncontrolled resonance, generally in a small part of a tweeter or woofer that's loose and shouldn't be, or is allowed to vibrate uncontrolled by the voice coil. Generally, a sign that a speaker is not well-made.
Very small speaker enclosures with only a tweeter or a mid-range and a tweeter. These are designed for high frequencies only and are usually combined with a bass unit, sub-woofer or other main speakers.

Satellites can be used as main speakers, when combined with a sub-woofer or bass unit or as rear channel speakers.

A dome tweeter made out of relatively soft material, which allows radiation from only a portion of the dome (mostly adjacent to the bond to the voice coil)
Some loudspeakers have controls which allow the owner to modify their sound. Usually there's a knob to change tweeter response, and in three-way or four-way systems, a knob or knobs to change the intensity of midrange response.

The purpose of these controls is to permit the speakers to be "tuned" to the room in which they will perform and/or to the ear of the listener. Some individuals spend a great deal on speakers then fail to get maximum performance from them by neglecting to find the optimum settings for controls (a process which may take quite a bit of time and experimentation.)

There's no system so good that it can't be improved. Therefore minor adjustments to speaker and electronic component controls may easily create an improvement in overall sound. The listener should feel free to experiment until he arrives at the sound quality which suits both the environment and his own hearing. The ear, not some arbitrary ideal setting (e.g. flat controls) should be the ultimate test.

Most specifications which are used to promote and sell loudspeaker are simply those which are easily made. The equipment used to produce them is easily obtained and easy to use. So, most specifications you may read about a piece of equipment are not generally very important to the performance of the unit. Every time someone invents a new piece of test equipment, one finds new specs getting into speaker literature.

FREQUENCY RESPONSE is a specification where there has been confusion for years. That's because there is no simple or agreed-upon way of measuring the frequency response of a speaker. Microphone placement, room size and shape, reflecting surfaces, etc. may vary and give immensely different specifications for the same speaker. For example, it's quite easy for frequency response specifications to go from +/- 2 dB to +/- 10 dB simply by repositioning the microphone, creating perfectly "accurate" yet completely different specifications for the same speaker.

Historically the meaning for frequency response has been "any audio output in that frequency". In these terms, a response curve reading 15 Hz to 25 KHz is completely meaningless because both these frequencies are beyond the range of human hearing.

Furthermore, they are both outside the range of the usual test equipment used by speaker manufacturers to test their products. This means that such specifications are either being made up by copywriters and engineers, or that they are judging by any kind of audio output. (For example, if you put 15 Hz into many speakers, you'll hear something. It won't be 15 Hz, but one of its harmonics: 30, 45, Hz etc.)

On-axis measurement of frequency response is also tricky. Lots of speakers have response up to about 16 KHz +/- 3 to 5 dB if the microphone is placed dead center in front of the speaker. That kind of measurement gives good specifications. However, anywhere but straight ahead the actual power output at the highest frequencies may be negligible compared to other frequencies. (See DIRECTIONALITY.)

CROSSOVER frequency specifications? Who cares? The usual reasons for including them: they're easy to specify and fill out some of the white space on the page.

A basic tenet of science is that measuring techniques inevitably affect the phenomenon being measured. A good example of this occurs in the field of amplifiers. For years amplifiers have been judged by an inexpensive piece of equipment to measure it. There are amplifiers which sound better with their high harmonic distortion than others with better specifications, but it's the ones with the best specs which sell best. In speakers, a new piece of equipment has just become available to measure phase distortion, and now all kinds of specifications relating to phase are appearing in the industry's literature; yet it's a relatively unimportant consideration. In this sense, the importance given to specs by reviewers may not be helping the public

Audiophiles with extremely sensitive hearing claim that they can hear differences between various forms of speaker wire. Scientific evidence for this is very slight. Even straight wire has some inductance, and there is always at least some capacitance between two wires in proximity to each other. It turns out that there are some wires which have detectable reactance at audible frequencies and therefore to infer that there may be some audible effects.

There are many conjectures about how wire can cause a difference in sound, such as oxidation in the wire, magnetic eddy currents within thick wires, rectification between wire strands, and interference between high and low frequencies.

What is certainly true is that the thinner and longer the wire, the more resistance. Speakers usually have impedance of several ohms. In order that the resistance of the wire be small compared to that of the speaker, one half ohm would be too much. 

Sound Pressure Level is expressed in dB and is defined in terms of the practical hearing range of human hearing. For the human ear, silence is defined as 0 dB SPL. The threshold of pain for the human ear is at about 130 dB SPL. 

An acoustic resonance of high Q, generally an annoying form of distortion, usually in the bass, caused by the shape and dimensions of the room in which music is being reproduced. When the distance between two parallel room surfaces is one fourth of the wave length of a given frequency, or an odd multiple of the wave length (three times, five times, etc.) the pressure of the reflected wave is in phase with the wave itself, creating a room resonance at that frequency.

On the other hand, if the distance between the two room surfaces is one half the wave length, or an integral multiple thereof, the pressure of the reflected wave is out of phase with the wave itself, creating a canceling at the frequency which is another form of distortion but a bit less noticeable.

Of the two types of distortion, the former is the greatest problem, because it tends to augment or complicate acoustic feedback.

Careful repositioning of speakers, careful repositioning of objects in the room (like furniture) and the use of sound-absorbing materials on room surfaces are the classic solutions to standing waves. The fewer parallel planes there are in the room's surfaces, the less likely that there will be standing waves, so that room acoustics are generally improved by angling a wall or two, and/or the ceiling, when the room is being planned.

Organ pipes are based on standing waves.

If a click is heard by both ears at once, it will appear to be straight ahead or behind the listener. If the sound reaches one ear slightly sooner, the sound will seem to emanate from that side. 

This is the principal cause of stereo effect, a shift in timing or phase.

However, a change in volume in one ear will have a similar stereo effect. Because of studio mixing techniques, many stereo recordings use only this volume differential to convey stereo information, and overlook or ignore the primary information, timing. This stereo is not as complete, but is particularly common in pop recordings, where one track is recorded at a time and then added to the final tape.

At very low frequencies, however, phase information in two channels is almost nil because of the wavelength of the sounds. Conversely, at frequencies where wavelength comes close to the size of the space between the ears, (250-10,000Hz), the perception of directionality increases.

An Australian electrical engineer whose name has become quite famous in audio circles. Thiele's work was based on the fact that any loudspeaker system can be expressed in classic electronic symbols. He then applied filter theory (a special branch of electronic analysis) to speaker design.

The advantage of Thiele's work is that it makes it possible for the designer to avail himself of the immense body of statistics and research that has gone into electrical filter theory in order to obtain the desired frequency and phase response in a new design with minimum trial and error.

Thiele's theories have been taken up and popularized by Richard Small, who did a Ph.D. on Thiele's work.

Today's speaker designers often use filter theory, analyzing loudspeakers as analogous to electronic circuits. This approach is particularly useful for designs using either a port or a passive radiator, for Thiele's work is particularly applicable to the selective tuning of the port or radiator to achieve desired frequency response. Still, the Thiele approach is only one of several methods which may be used to arrive at the desired result.

These are the values of the basic parts of the electronic circuit analogue proposed by THIELE and popularized by Small. They are related to the physical properties of a woofer, e.g. mass compliance, resonance, Q, Bl, etc. They are commonly circulated between manufacturers and design engineers because there are a number of cookbook recipes which use the Thiele -Small parameters for determining box size and port tuning. Computer programs are now common both for measuring the parameters and for designing the enclosures based on them.
One type of transmission line is a type of bass reflex system with the added characteristic of providing a long path for the rear wave to follow so that by the time it gets out of the enclosure it is in phase (in a certain frequency range) with the front wave. Not particularly useful, since this design offers neither the frequency range nor the efficiency of a tuned port. It is however appropriate for those who prefer a softer, well-damped bass.

A second type of transmission line, less common, uses a cabinet design which absorbs all the rear energy from the woofer, making it behave as if it were mounted in an infinite baffle.


A tuned port is simply a tube or opening allowing air from inside the speaker box to escape or enter. Note that the air in a tuned port has the property of acoustic mass. It moves in the port without being compressed, has inertia, and therefore has its own resonant frequency. The port is generally tuned (dimensioned) in the vicinity of the woofer's resonant frequency in order to augment bass output. A tuned port can be used either to increase efficiency or to increase frequency range, depending on the goals of the designer.

NOISE is often used in testing speakers because it's easy to obtain. Also, a lot of companies like to use noise as a signal source when measuring specifications because it does not show up peaks in the frequency response as a pure tone would.

WHITE NOISE: noise in which there is equal energy per frequency division. (For example, the same amount of energy between 100 and 200 Hz as between 1100 and 1200). 

PINK NOISE has equal energy distributed logarithmically, for example, the same energy between 100 and 200 Hz as between 1000 and 2000. Pink noise corresponds fairly closely, on an average basis, to music. (More energy at low frequencies.) In listening tests with speakers, Pink noise is a better listening tool than White noise. In white noise there is a great exaggeration of treble. Surf is an excellent example of white noise.

High frequency sound is attenuated in air (particularly humid air) so that the closer you are to surf (white noise) the shriller it sounds. Even the humidity in your living room will to some degree influence the treble response of your speakers. On cold winter mornings, sound travels well, not just because the air is cold, thus dense, but also because of its dryness. (Very cold air rejects humidity.) Probably no-one will seriously suggest getting a dehumidifier for your living room in order to improve the high end response of your sound system. Still, acoustically speaking, it would help.



Mick Evans 1999-2001

  [email protected]

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