I have introduced this site map for those that are using a text-only browser such as Lynx or for those that are surfing with the graphics disabled.
HiFi Hardware Information Pages |
home.html | Portal Page to this website |
front.html | Main Page detailing recent news |
overview.html | System Overview with wiring diagram. |
amps.html | Amplifiers Page |
biamping.html | Bemused By Biamping? All you need to know about bi-amping/wiring can be found here |
speakers.html | Loudspeakers Page Details on Loudspeakers |
sp31rvw.html | Spendor SP3/1 review page. |
441khz.html | CD Players Page. Details on CD Players/Transports & DACs |
record.html | Home Recording Page. Details on CD-R |
pdr05.html | Modification Data on the Pioneer PDR-04
This is very difficult information to find. |
tape.html | Information on Compact Cassette recording. Details on the TEAC v6030s |
6030revw.html | HiFi World review of the TEAC v6030s |
goodtape.html | Personal Tips on recording good cassette tapes. |
tapebuy.html | Tips on buying an analog cassette tape recorder. |
minidisc.html | Sony Minidisc Page. |
mdtitle.html | Minidisc Titling Units. |
mdfaq.html | FAQ on Minidisc. |
mz30user.html | A users impression of the MZR-30. |
mzr30faq.html | MZR30 FAQ. |
30remote.html | MZR30 Remote Control. |
ja30user.html | JA30ES user impressions. |
vinyl.html | Vinyl & Turntable Page. |
ttsetup.html | FAQ on how to setup your turntable, arm and cartridge. |
phones.html | Headphones Page. Dynamic Headphones. |
earspeak.html | Detailed description of Stax Headphones. |
staxwork.html | Details on electrostatic theory. |
binaural.html | Details on Binaural recordings. Six binaural discs are also available for trade. HiFi's best kept secret. |
tinnitus.html | FAQ on Tinnitus (Ear Damage). |
7reasons.html | Seven reasons to own a headphone system. |
addicted.html | How to tell if you are addicted to headphone listening. |
tuner.html | VHF Radio Reception. VHF Antenna installation |
8000t.html | Technical specifications on the Audiolab 8000T tuner. |
galaxie.html | VHF Radio Antennas |
antinstall.html | How I installed my Galaxie 20 antenna array. |
rdsinfo.html | RDS (Radio Data System) Information |
ukrdsbbc.html | FM BBC Transmitter Frequencies |
ukrdscom.html | FM Independent Transmitter Frequencies |
dvd.html | DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) information |
dvdnum.html | DVD Format Numbers |
dv717.html | Pioneer DV717 |
dvdcoll.html | My DVD collection. |
laser.html | Laserdisc information |
clds315.html | Pioneer CLD-s315 |
cldd925.html | Pioneer CLD-d925 |
ldintro.html | An introduction to the Laserdisc format. |
ldcol.html | My Laserdisc collection. |
scart.html | DIY- How to construct your own SCART Cables. |
satvhs.html | Further Video Information. VHS Video and Satellite related. |
cables.html | A run down of connection/termination commonly found on interconnects and Speaker cables. |
cables2.html | Interconnects and cables used in my system |
access.html | Accessories. |
jargon.html | Jargon Buster. Explanations behind all those technical terms. |
Music Related Pages |
friends.html | Friends systems. Information of the systems of my audiophile friends |
discs.html | Recommended Recordings. Some of my favourites. |
weekrec.html | Mick's Jukebox. Descriptions and info on Compact Discs that I am currently listening to. |
trading.html | Trading Places. My Trading rules etc. |
boots.html | Bootleg recordings listing. Various live recording from Audience and Radio |
goodtrade.html | Good Trader, Bad Trader. The best and worst of internet bootleg traders. |
Links Pages. HiFi Related and otherwise. |
links.html | Links Page. |
links2.html | Radio Related Links |
links3.html | Artist & Band Links |
links4.html | Maritime Links. |
links5.html | Military Related Links |
links6.html | Miscellaneous Links. |
Computer and 'Net related Pages |
computers.html | Home Computing |
retro.html | Retro Computing (8 Bit Romancing) |
network.html | Computer Networking |
seti.html | SETI@HOME pages. Or how I discovered ET. |
teamseti.html | TEAM Audiophile (SETI) Homepage. A group of Audiophile ET Hunters |
trawl.html | Yahoo! Trawlers Webring Homepage |
Other Pages |
thanks.html | My acknowledgements to all those who have contributed to this site. |
privacy.html | Site Privacy Statement. |
linkme.html | How to link to me. HTML fragment for inclusion on your site. |
contact.html | How to contact me |
guest.html | Sign/View Guestbook |
Mick Evans 1999-2001
[email protected]