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Emily Johnson
I've done around 5 Newsies RPs, in all but one, Em is in love with Spot.

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Name: Emily "Em" Johnson

Age: 15

Parents: Elizabeth Stanton Johnson (deceased) and Jakob Johnson (deceased)

Siblings: Nicholas "Nick" Johnson (19), Thomas "Tom" Johnson (17 1/2), and Edward "Eddie" Johnson (16)

Personality: Pretty naive, sorta quick to trust someone, but when she's crossed, is a good enemy

Physical appearance: About Spot's heighth (sorta short) with curly dark brown hair that's a little past her shoulders. Pretty fair complexion. Brown eyes. Usually wears dresses.

Class: Pretty high in middle class (ie, she's rich, but not SUPER rich, like Hearst or Pulitzer)

Life Story: Was born in Canterbury, England, then moved to London. Had parents that hated her and her brothers. In fact, her father beat her brothers when they didn't do what he wanted. When she was 13, met a caravan of gypsies and fell in love with one of them, named Rade, but he died shortly after they met*  Dad worked for Royal Family, making them pretty dern rich. Dad randomly said "We're moving" and they sold pratically everything and moved to New York. Both parents got sick and died on the way to America. Brothers got jobbed, though she didn't, even though they didn't need to.

*not in all Newsie RPs

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