Casche's Corner


Last updated: July 21, 2002
I suggest you ALWAYS read the Updates page, cuz it always has links to cool new parts of my Corner on it. Just FYI! Also! People, sign the guestbook! And Ty and Alayia, I'm forcing you to sign it! You better or I'll soak ya!!!!!
Hey guys! I'm getting so bored! IM to talk or to rp (any kind, that's how bored I'm starting to get! Well, almost any kind, I don't do HP or anime....) Anyway, my AIM sn is Hamsternal, MSN is [email protected] and Yahoo (tho I'm hardly on it) is pdragon. Thanks guys!
Updates Page still being added to.....
Heya! Casche here. Welcome to the Library of Ancient Greek Tales, AKA the Library of Hercules, Young Hercules, and Xena, AKA Casche's Corner of Hercules, Young Hercules, and Xena, AKA Casche's Corner.
Come explore my scrolls of information, then visit the rest of the village, or, as you call it, the "links".
If you see Hercules, Iolaus, or Jason, say hi, and tell them I'm looking for them!
If ya need anything, I'm just a shout away!

Well, currently almost all of the pages are empty.. Right now, I'm getting everything up, then I will start filling the pages in. If anyone cares to help me with ANYTHING (pics, fanfic, tho I could REALLY use help in bios of the cast!) PLEASE e-mail me!!! Look under the "Send Me A Scroll"! Thanks!

Main Characters/Villians/Other People
All the people whose name you may or may not know

The "Real" People

Fun Stuff
Fun stuff, duh.

Other Stuff
The junk that doesn't fit into any other categorey

The Rest of the Villiage
What you call "Links"

Send Me a Scroll
Question, comment, advice, just feeling talkative? Send me a scroll!

Like any other website, Casche's Corner is always under construction! Check back often for changes!


I made this at Ribbon-o-Matic

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