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Greek Mythology
(I made these [except for Hestia] for a little box I made. Each one was on one side of the cube, so I only have 6 so far...)
Each one says what her name is, what she's goddess of, and why I put her in that outfit.

She was known as seductive, so obviously I chose a "seductive" outfit. The blonde, well, she was vain, and I see her as a blonde. (No offense to blondes, o'course)

She was also Goddess of the Moon, which explains the silver. She was a huntress, so she wore things she could hunt in. *Note: Artemis is my favorite goddess, the one I feel closest to.

I'm not quite sure why I chose this.... Athena was known to be strong and clever. This outfit just struck me as "Athena-worthy"

She was Goddess of the Harvest, so having plants on her was obvious. I chose that hair because, as Goddess of Harvest, I see her as having brown hair. Just my POV.

Because her bird was the peacock, the colors are obvious. I chose the black hair because she was cold and powerful. I see black as a cold and powerful color.

I tried to look for something plain. Same with the hair, but plain hair is hard to find.

Underworld strikes thoughts of flames. Blue flames because Persephone longed for the upperworld, the blue skies.

All I have for now for Gods and Goddesses. More to come....

Same as Goddesses
I'm not quite sure why I chose this. The white, well, he's God of Light, and white's as bright as you can get. And the blonde hair, he's always seemed like a blonde to me.

Ares is a dark god, so black is the obvious choice.

He works in the forge all day, so he has work clothes on. And I just picture him w/ black hair....

I always pictured Hermes wearing white because he flies through the air to deliver messages. I used that head because Hermes is supposed to look young, and that looks young to me.
