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Sphinx's Riddle Realm
Sphinx's Riddle Realm
The Sphinx tells you welcome! Test your wits                                 
against our local monster. Answers at bottom

Riddle One: (The all famous "Sphinx's Riddle") What has four legs in the morning, two at noon, and three at night?

Riddle Two: Men do this standing up, women do this sitting down, and dogs do it on three legs.

Riddle Three: What runs on the floor without any legs?

Riddle Four: What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Riddle Five: What is in seasons, seconds, centuries and minutes but not in decades, years or days?

Riddle Six: Looking at a picture a man says "Brothers and sisters I have none but that man's father is my father's son." Whose picture is it?

Riddle Seven: Two US coins total $.55. One is not a nickel. What are they?

Riddle Eight: A rabbit, chased by a dog, ran from a carrot patch into a nearby woods. How far did he run into the woods?

Riddle Nine: Julius Caesar was given a gold coin dated 48 BC. He immediately knew it had to be counterfeit. How?

Riddle Ten: In the United States, is it legal for a man to marry his widow's sister?

Riddle Eleven: How many months have 27 days in them?

Riddle Twelve: A farmer takes two dozen apples from three dozen. How many does he have?

1: Man, he crawls on all four when he's a baby, walks up right when he's a     man, and walks with a cane when he's old.
2: Shaking hands(I don't remember where I got this one)
3: Water
4: Just ask the farmer's daughter! (hehe, trick question!)
5. The letter "n"
6. His son's
7. A nickel and a fifty cent piece, only ONE isn't a nickel
8. Half, after that they're running out of the forest
9. How could they have know it was Before Christ if he wasn't born yet
10. No, if he has a widow, he is dead and can't legally marry someone
11. 12, every month have at least 27 days in them
12. Two dozen

How'd you do?
     1-3 :     You got eaten by the Sphinx!
     4-6 :     You barely got away!
     7-9 :    You passed, but don't think you'll get by next time!
 10-12 :     You caused the Sphinx to throw herself to her death!!! Way to go!!!