Casche's Corner     |   home
1899   |   1998-2000
My fav newsie! Spot Conlon (leader of the Brooklyn newsies)

The second best newsie, Jack (also the leader of the Manhattan newsies)

And Akeru's favorite :) Racetrack Higgins
*Note:  He's the one on the table w/ the paper

Some random stills from diff sites

Casche's Favorite Quote's:

David: Our father told us not to lie.
Jack: Yeah. Well, mine told me not to starve. So we both got an education.

Jack: We've got to get the word out ta all the newsies in New York. I need some of those ah...what you call them.
David: Ambassadors?
Jack: Yeah. Right you guys you got to be ambastards and go tell the other we're on strike.

I say that what you say is what I say ~~Spot

Spot: Hey ya honor. I object.
Judge: On what grounds?
Spot: On the grounds of Brooklyn

More to come....

Which character from Newsies are you?

For me:
                                                                              #1                   Jack
                                                                              #2                   Spot
                                                                              #3                   Pulitzer
                                                                              #4                   Skittery
                                                                              #5                   David
                                                                              #6                   Racetrack
                                                                              #7                   Mush
                                                                              #8                   Warden Snyder
                                                                              #9                   Crutchy
                                                                              #10                 Sarah