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Dragon Poems
*eeee* I love these poems! They're from the book "The Dragons Are Singing Tonight"
Check it out now! NOW!!!! I command you! hehe

Dragon Wave
I'm An Amiable Dragon
I'm an amiable dragon,
And I have no wish to scare,
Do not tremble at my presence,
Do ignore my lethal stare,
Do not fret about the fire
I unleash into the air,
You are free to pass unchallenged-
But only if you dare!

If You Don't Believe In Dragons
If you don't believe in dragons,
It is curiously true,
That the dragons you disparge
Choose to not believe in you.

I Wish I Had A Dragon
I wish I had a dragon,
With diamond-studded scales,
With claws like silver sabers,
And fangs like silver nails,
A dragon fierce and faithful,
Always ready by my side,
A dragon to defend me,
Or take me for a ride.

I wish I had a dragon,
With eyes of shining gold,
Who breathed a plume of fire
Whenever it was told,
A dragon so ferocious
It might scare Frakenstein,
But not a lazy dragon
Who sleeps all mine!

The Dragons Are Singing Tonight
Tonight is the night all the dragons
Awake in their lairs underground
To sing cacophonous chorus
And fill the whole world with their sound.
They sing of the days of their glory,
They sing of their exploits of old,
Of maidens and knights, and of fiery fights,
And guarding vast caches of gold.

Some of their voices are treble,
And some of their voices are deep,
But all of their voices are thunderous,
And no one can get any sleep.
I lie in my bed and I listen,
Enchanted and filled with delight,
To songs I can hear only one night a year-
The dragons are singing tonight.

I am Boom the thunder dragon,
Taller than the tallest trees,
I stir whirlwinds when I whisper,
Mighty cyclones when I sneeze,
Fishes shiver in the ocean
When I tread upon shore,
I make earthquakes and volcanoes
When I roar roar roar!

I am Boom the thunder dragon,
All the earth is my domain,
When I flap my wings in fury,
I create a hurricane,
Lions vanish at my footsteps,
Eagles tremble at my glance,
And the mountains start to rumble
When I dance dance dance!

Giants fly into a panic
When I rearmy massive head,
When I snort my searing fires,
Fearless ogres faint with dread,
If you ever see me coming,
You had better give me room,
I am Boom the thunder dragon,

Once They All Believed In Dragons
Once they all believed in dragons
When the world was fresh and young,
We were woven into legends,
Tales were told and songs were sung,
We were treated with obeisance,
We were honored, we were feared,
Then one day they stopped believing-
On that day, we disappeared.

Now they say our time is over,
Now they say we've lived our last,
Now we're treated with derision
Where we once ruled unsurpassed.
We must make them all remember,
In some way we must reveal
That our spirit lives forever-
We are dragons! We are real!

                        Dragon SNeeze
Dragon Animations from Malathar's Dragons