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3/18 Got the site back up! Yay!

3/19  Did stuff. Don't remember what.

3/20  Did some more stuff, don't even ask what, my memory is limited.

3/21  Did A LOT! Added Fanfics, a lotta pics, transfered A BUNCH of junk from my old comp to my new one, added this page, added a link, downloaded a buncha junk..... Should get more stuff up soon....

3/23  Worked on fanfics

3/28  Added Casche's Other Characters


4/2 Added something to Casche's Favorites

4/5 Added my Druid Guardian, a few things on the Casche's Corner Mainpage, added a link..... And some other junk....

4/7  Added some stuff to the picture page. Added some links...

4/15  Added another Other Link on Links

6/11 Did some junk to Casche's Favorites and to the main page. Man! I haven't updated in soooo long! Added Personality Tests I've Taken

6/15  Added My Dolls and Marisia to Casche's Other Characters

6/16  Added Hestia to My Dolls(Greek Mythology) and I fixed the fuzzy "welcome" sign on the main page

6/18  Finally put up the Quote of the Week and added Goth to the My Dolls page and added a lot more dolls. Added new tests on the Personality Tests I've Taken and added Amelia Conlon to Casche's Other Characters. Added gods to the Greek Mythology page in My Dolls section. Wow! I did a lot today!

6/20  Did some junk to my Newsie page (1899) and added Hand Drawn Dolls to the My Dolls page.

6/23  Added some more dolls to Emily Lyte on My Dolls and added Others on My Dolls.

6/24  Added some junk to My Dolls, check it out!

6/26  Did some junk. Added a new doll (my first ANIMATED one! I'm so proud!)