Biolumanetics Page 4



Effects of a Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment

The effect of the adjustment is clearly seen.


Visual Kinesiology

The Subject has suffered with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for the last 27 months. The following Bioliminal Image Photographs indicate the rate of change at the time of each visit.

Base image 1st visit~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Base image 2nd visit 2 weeks later

The subject had sought treatment from four different medical practitioners. She stayed with each practitioners treatment program for approximately 6 months. When there was no change in her physical stamina after 6 months she would find another medical practitioner and repeat the pattern. At the time of her first visit she had discontinued the last practitioners treatment program. Her reason for volunteering to be a test subject was she had run out of funds and could no longer pay for the medications.

The subject was a walking library on chronic fatigue, she was involved with support groups who suffered the same type of symptom and had an extensive library of materials about this type of condition.

The subject was given a Lumanetic topical cream which stimulates the immune system and instructed to return in one week for a second base picture.

Base image 3rd visit 2 weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Base image 4th visit 2 weeks later

The second visit, a base Bioliminal Image Photograph was taken. When the base photographs of the two visits were compared the subject reluctantly agreed she did feel somewhat better. However, since she had expectations with every treatment program, maybe, this was just her optimism at work.

A second item was added to her regime, she was to wear Potassium Transceiver Pads on the calves of both legs. Acupuncture point B-56 (Bladder Meridian). The Logic was to feed a potassium frequency into the weakest meridian. I felt that increasing the potassium/sodium exchange would increase her available energy. The subject was scheduled for a follow-up visit in two weeks.

At the third visit, a base Bioliminal Image Photograph was taken the results of this photograph was compared to the previous base photographs. The subject was pleased, she felt an increase in stamina and was now working part time. She no longer felt apprehensive and expected to complete her healing. The subject was scheduled for a follow up visit in two weeks.

At the fourth visit, a base Bioliminal Photograph was taken. Before the Bioliminal Image Photograph developed the subject felt that she had completed her healing. She was now working her regular hours and felt fine. She no longer wore the Potassium Transceiver Pads and felt there was no need to continue the Lumanetic topical cream to stimulate her immune system, however, she asked for a second container of the cream just to have on hand in case she started to feel her energy slipping away.

I concluded that she began to trust us when she saw the base image at her first visit. She had proof for the first time that her problems were not all in her head. Seeing the changes that occurred between the visits changed her focus from fear to expectation. At her third visit there was no question that she was improving. Her expectations seemed to bring the future into the present.

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