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A Song of Ice and Fire / Announcements / No ASoS manuscript on eBay after all!

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Green Gerg
User ID: 0081374
May 31st 5:28 PM
Just got this e-mail from George:

Subj: ebay
Date: 5/31/00 6:06:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: GeoRR
To: Green Gerg

After some consideration, I have decided against putting a copy of manuscript up on ebay next month after all. Thought I should pass that decision along, since I mentioned the possibility to you the other day.

I may offer a copy of the manuscript =after= the book comes out, for those who like to collect such things, but not before.


I asked him if he was confident that the July UK release date would hold, and will relay his response when it comes.....
User ID: 9308123
May 31st 6:41 PM
Aww that sucks...Thanks for the update Gerg.
Ser Gary
User ID: 1523284
Jun 1st 7:21 AM
Thanks, Greg. Maybe it's just as well. This might have been a difficult one for our group to pull off, given the size of the manuscript. Though it may have been fun to try :)
Ser Benjen
User ID: 2122084
Jun 1st 7:29 AM
Oh well. Like Gary said, it's probably for the best.
User ID: 0276214
Jun 1st 8:01 PM
I am in a bad situation. I leave for a three week vacation to New Zealand on July 19. That is not enough time to get my vacation copy from England. I really want to read this book on vacation. Really, really, really, really. In fact, I am going to wait until Thanksgiving to read it if I can't get in July, because I want to read it on vacations to far away lands. I know, you think i am nuts. But, I like to read these books in special settings. I would pay a lot for an advance reading copy if anyone wants to contact me. Oh, and I can keep all the secrets, absolutely all of them. [email protected]
User ID: 9941493
Jun 2nd 8:11 AM
LindaElane, why don't you have one of us forward the book to you in NZ? Or even have deliver it at your residence in NZ?
User ID: 0798784
Jun 2nd 9:13 AM
Yes, it is quite likely that the book will be in the UK stores before the publishing date provided by amazon. From what I have heard, it is quite a common occurence and besides, amazon was never known for its accuracy concerning the release dates.
Also, GRRM himself said "six weeks" in his recent mail, didn't he? IMHO, it may be worth your while, Linda, to email the British publisher and learn the real release date. It wouldn't hurt if you explain your situation, too, maybe (though unlikely) they'll be nice and forthcoming. If not, maybe, the denizens of this board residing on Albion will be willing to help you.
User ID: 0867924
Jun 2nd 11:28 AM
We mailed them recently and they said they'd be updating their webpage with _A Storm of Swords_ information sometime this month...

Actually, they have updated. Yet, for some reason, they're listing August 21 as the publishing date...

This is, of course, strange. When we asked Voyager, they said July. The websites say July. GRRM believes it's July as well, it seems. I suspect they're working on outdated information in their marketing-web department.

<Mails to ask.>
User ID: 8590713
Jun 2nd 11:42 AM
Now I'm a little confused - who is saying that ASOS is coming out on August 21st?
User ID: 0867924
Jun 2nd 11:50 AM, who is the U.K. publisher. Sent them a note, but I don't expect it to be answered until Monday or Tuesday.
User ID: 8590713
Jun 2nd 12:44 PM
Right now their server seems to be down - I cannot connect get to their site.
User ID: 0867924
Jun 2nd 12:48 PM should work as well.
User ID: 8590713
Jun 2nd 3:58 PM
Actually, I noticed that automatically forwards you to It seems the parent company's server ( was down. Everything seems to be working again now though.

To prove to you that I can really clutch at straws: the date is given in the US style, but this is a UK company, right? So maybe they just copied the original US release date on this site.

That should get me through the weekend without worrying too much about a months' delay in ASOS.
User ID: 0867924
Jun 2nd 4:06 PM
I think you mean :)

As to the date, heh. And here I was using the dating as proof that the U.K. dates things as the U.S. does. ;) That could be the case, though. Now that I think on it, August 21 is the date that has been given for the U.S. publication until recently.
User ID: 9941493
Jun 2nd 10:29 PM
You're right about the URL - it's elementary, my dear Ran, is all I can say ;)
User ID: 0276214
Jun 3rd 9:21 PM
Arend and Labor, thanks for your kind and comforting words.

Before asking for personal help, I am going to try the Andromeda bookshop that Parris recommended on another thread. Thats just because I would like to avoid troubling another board member with my request if possible. If the shop does have the book before 17 July, perhaps I could have the book here in the US prior to my July 19 departure. If not, I am in the process of getting an address where I will be from July 22 until July 26 in New Zealand. :::hoping for a fast shipping method:::

If this proves futile, I shall ask some kind British member of the board, who will be buying the book on its first day, to pick one up for me as well. I could forward travellers checks in pounds sterling. Do you know if there is such a thing as one day air from the UK to the States?

At any rate, I am going to try Andromeda bookshop first, as a rush trip to the post office on 17 July may be asking a lot of some kind UK resident that I have never met. Thanks again, and you may be hearing from me :-)
User ID: 1216034
Jun 3rd 11:21 PM
Linda -

You may also want to check out the Harper Collins Australia release date as well - I don't have it to hand - they often release near the UK date, and there would be copies available in NZ as well.

There is overnight mail to US from the UK - if you ask Andromeda to send you an urgent copy and give them the reason why, it might be enough to get them to send a copy off right away. (If it will help at all, tell 'em GRRM's girlfriend recommended them as fast and releiable, it might help, who knows?)

Have a great time in New Zealand, it's a wonderful place and the people are some of the best in the world. If you've never been there before, try to get to Rotarura and go to an authentic Maori hongi - the music and dance is incredible - gives me goosebumps when I attend one.

who obviously has too much time on her hands, to be bugging you fans so much... back to the t-shirt pre-production work...

User ID: 0276214
Jun 5th 11:48 PM
Parris -
Thanks so much for your help with this. I'm going to start my own "Thus Spake Parris" collection :-)

I am indeed lucky enough to be going to a Maori hongi in Rotarura. I'm going with an exchange program for teachers. They have planned some pretty incredible things for us. Focus is on the people and the culture, not merely sightseeing. Thats how I like to travel. :-)

I will look into Harper Collins Australia, hopefully a search engine will turn up good things. Also, I am writing to Andromeda and James Thin booksellers, which you suggested, in the UK. I will "keep you posted". Thanks for going out of your way to be of help - I wanted to read ASOS very much while on vacation so that I could savor it in the way it deserves to be savored, and you have helped to make that desire a reality.
User ID: 8945823
Jun 6th 5:29 PM
Ran - any news on the Voyager situation?
User ID: 0867924
Jun 6th 5:37 PM
Ahh, just reminded me.

I got their response today. The representative there said that August was indeed the date they have in their database, but did say that it was of course subject to change.

So, don't know . . . Guess we'll have to wait awhile more and stay in suspense. Maybe ask GRRM in a week or two, see if there are any changes. It could be that the decision to do all-new maps, rather than cribbing from Bantam's, has pushed the schedule back a month.

BTW, speaking of the maps, in my mails with GRRM about heraldry recently he makes mention of the new maps. Apparently he's been giving thought to the issue of cities and castles and towns, because the new maps will attempt to differentiate them.

He says there are five full-fledged cities: KL and Oldtown are much bigger than Lannisport, which in turn is much bigger than Gulltown and White Harbor.

Eventually I'll get the latest batch of information up on the SSM collection, but the heraldry has been keeping us busy. :)

(Oh, yeah: GRRM says a lot of people die in _A Storm of Swords_. Heh.)
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