Movie Quotes for
The Man Who Knew Too Little (1997)

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Wallace: Looking for something?
Gilbert: My glasses.  I was visting friend.  Who're you?
Wallace: Spensor.  And I know who you're too!  Gilbert!

Wallace (Bill): Get away from that phone!
[Wallace shoots the phone.  A very loud explosion is produced.]
Wallace: Whoa, that was loud!

0405ww8.jpg (1565 bytes)Listen to the whole scene talking with Gilbert.

Wallace: Good-day, Chap.  Wallace Ritichie.
Airport Assistant: Your passprt, please, sir.
Wallace: Thank you.  Just gone over here from America, I'm an American.  It's a new passport.  It's a not very good picture, I had a better picture.
Airport Assistant: Ah!  That one will be neccessary, sir.
Wallace: You got a great accent!  Are you from here?
A.A.: What's your purpose you visit this country, sir?
Wallace: Today is my birthday.
A.A.: Happy Birthday, sir.
Wallace: Thank you.  My brother sent me money this year, I thought I can come over to surprise him.  He works in the Featherson's Bank, James Ritichie.   Do you know him?
A.A.: How long will you stay in this country, sir?
Wallace: That's a very good question.
A.A.: Yeah, I thought so, too.
Wallace: I like to see everthing, but not let people know I'm a tourist, you know. 

Wallace: I'd like to see the queen right in the horse.
A.A.: Alright!  Three weeks!  Welcome to Britian, Mr. Ritchie.
Wallace: And it's Wallace 'David'.
A.A.: Thank you.
Wallace: Which door's to Eng?

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"Hey, who're you doin',  man!"

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Lori (Kilmer): What are you CIA, Matthew?
Wallace: Both!

Lori: Do you think I look silly in this outfit?  I can take it off if you like.
Wallace: No!  It's good 'silly', you know...
Lori: And do I have a last request?
Wallace: You mean a cigarat or something?
Lori: I have something more substanial in mind.
Wallace: Cigar?

0405ww8.jpg (1565 bytes) The scene sharing with Joanne Whalley-Kilmer.

Wallace: I'm sorry.  Nobody told me it's already started.   Just go back to 'Give your money' or whatever the heck.
Robber: Alright.  Just give me the money, or I'll cut ya!
Wallace: Let me just do my line first, okay?  Please don't kill me man, I can give you all the thing everthing I got.  I can give you everthing.  I give you... I got no jewellery man, I just got a couple of kids!  I just got a couple of kids... I just came over here tonight.  They don't...
Robber: Don't... don't, I don't want to kill you.
Wallace: Hahahha!  I'm sorry.  I'm not prepared for this stuff!
Robber: Just give me the money!
Wallace: Not yet!  One more!

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"You're sweet little pocket-rocket!"

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"Sorry I get a little bit insensitive, but I'm a hitman!"

"Are you thinking right now, 'My dog is dead!'"

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"Well, you got to check and see you know just how dead they are, you know, you can reassure that guy, catch this!!"

Wallace: Coool!  Hello, Spensor here, I've no fear...
Sir Roger: What is he talking?  Why is he using that rediculous American accent? 
40220: Did you take the girl to the bathroom?
Wallace: No.  She went to the loo by herself. [Using British accent]

0405ww8.jpg (1565 bytes)The whole scene

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"This is real cops?"

0405ww8.jpg (1565 bytes) The whole car chase scene
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"That is so refreshing!"

0405ww8.jpg (1565 bytes) The whole scene with Boris

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"Fabulous!  Fabulous!"

0405ww8.jpg (1565 bytes) The whole scene with those stupid guys

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"Time out!  I got something in my eye!"

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"May I?"

0405ww8.jpg (1565 bytes) The whole dancing scene

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"That was like an explosion."

0405ww8.jpg (1565 bytes) The Love Scene

Enojy?  Great!